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Moon wake up by clicking sound and people's talking.

Momma:- Oo look my baby is looking so cute.

Dadda:- My princess is just like before, she always sleep with her teddy cuddling.

Suk&Sung:- And she never wake up without banging her clock.

Moon:- Good morning dadda momma, and dads.

Suk:- Omo my princess wake up before broking her clock.

Sung:- And we didn't bribe you with icecream to wake you up.

Moon:- Who doesn't wake up with all of your shouts huh.

Dadda:- Why my princess have bad mood.

Momma:- I will make my baby's mood happy, you know baby you are starting your university from today, and we know how you love study and you don't want to miss it and we also make your and others special schedule that you all will be in same class almost but mostly you jimin, taehyung and jungkook have same class as you there are in same class, but I know you miss others too so I make special schedule for you all that you all have in same class, I just have to inform them as you are going to start from tomorrow.

Moon:- No, she shouted, but instantly come in her senses and said don't inform them as I want to surprise them.

Dadda:- That's my baby, now get up fast and come for breakfast as you will get late.

Moon:- Okay, but where is my morning kissi.she said with baby voice with pouting.

They cooed on her and all four kissed her forehead and cheek and went from there.

They cooed on her and all four kissed her forehead and cheek and went from there

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By the way she is sleeping like that.

By the way she is sleeping like that

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Ignore the jacket.

She wore this after doing her morning routine....

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