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Time skip at evening:-

After exiting from college/university with her dads, Moon went to spent some more time with her dads while just roaming around here and there, and last at her company, and after that they left for Airport, as its time for them to go.

Moon:- I will miss you dads, take me with you two, you know I can't leave without you all, yes I miss others too except them, but in these 5 years I never think to live without you all, I can't.

Suk&Sung:- Shh princess don't cry, you are our strong baby, what you think we didn't feel the same, but we can't, we promise we always talk you and try to come here to meet you frequently.

After some more time they get quiet and compose their self, because in that situation they can't go so Moon, control her emotions.

Sung:- And princess I also want to tell you, I know they all make mistakes, don't forgive them but at least try to forgave bp.

Moon:- But dad.

Suk:- He is right princess, I know you also see the pain in their eyes, and see they are the one who is suffering more in all, as you have us your parents and others to infact your all oppas and unnies who till now don't know that you are now in Korea and I don't know what they will do after when they know, but we can handle them, so let them on side, and focus to bp, they all are broken, their parents didn't give them time, you also do not,plus they didn't talk with bts, they let themselves bullied, wasted in clubbing, even Rose and Lisa didn't talk with their biological brothers, (both dads or any parents don't know that bp have sugar baby, Moon hide it from others, even Bp are thinking that no one knows about it, they think that Moon only know about their clubbing nothing more)

Moon:- I know dads but..

Sung:- No buts princess, think yourself too, I know you also feel pain for your unnies, I don't force you to forgive them but try to forget and give them a chance, I know they are in need, but I respect your decision because I know you feel the more pain and because of all you have been went through worst and more.

Moon:- Okay dads I will think about it, now go as its time for you two to leave, but don't forget me and remember I always love you and miss you.

Sung &suk:- We too princess.

They again hugged each other and after some minutes parted away and both kiss Moon on her forehead, and she kiss on their cheeks, and bid goodbye to them.....

They left and Moon also went out from the airport, and went to her company again and think what her dads tell, and she is now stressing, and it's now night so she thinks to go to club and release some of her stress, so she change her dress and take her gun too, as you don't know when it's needed as she is mafia princess, and she took her bike too and went to the club, it's her club which is under her, she handle it....

She parked her bike and went to VIP room and order her drinks, in the way from where she walks, all bow to her....

By the way her dress:-

By the way her dress:-

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