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????1:- Princess get up or you will be late.

Princess:- Like I care dad.

????1:-Where is the alarm clock?

?????2:- Honey look there,points towards the floor near the wall,where the alarm clock was shattered into pieces.

????1:- Oh no it's 7 th alarm.

Princess:- Dad it's 7th day of month too.

????2:- Baby get up, I will give you 2 icecream today.

Princess:- I am up dad sung.

She get up from the bed and kissed chick of her both dad or call Uncle Lee Jongsuk and Kim Jisung.

Yes your guess is right she is Lee Mun-hwa, who is currently living in L.A from 5 years with her dad(they tell her to call them dad, check intro you will know the reason) Lee Jongsuk and dad Kim Jisung.

They are very happy when Mun-hwa come to live with them, they love her more than their self, they are very protective of her and spoil her very much, they are also like friend too her who can share everything with each other they never hide anything from each other and understand her very much, and they also trained her for mafia and normal business too as she was the only heir of Lee industries.

After kissing her both dad she went to bathroom to do her morning routine.

And both dad went to set dinning table and wait for their beloved princess.

(Jongsuk as Jong/suki, Jisung as Sung)

Jong:- Time flew very fast, it's been 5 years with our princess living together.

Sung:- Yes honey and see how much she change, when she come here she was so innocent, I don't mean that she is not now, but she became badass, more confident before like us only sweet towards our family and friends and cold and rude towards other, see her aura also change now her aura is also strong, no one believe that she was once soft, but I am proud of her, future mafia queen should be like that.

Jong:- True tho, but I am afraid you know what we told to my brother and sister in law, they will blame us that she is like us.

Sung:- Don't worry our baby know what to do, she is not like other spoiled brat who will disrespect elders, she is just  not soft like before she is strong but you also know how baby is she for us and don't worry anymore and she is not going back there so chill.

Jong:- Yes but one day she have to go back.

Sung:- Don't think now, we will see when time come let's enjoy the moment don't waste our precious moment in thinking future, we can handle all situation.

By this time Mun-hwa come downstairs to the dinning room...

By this time Mun-hwa come downstairs to the dinning room

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