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Than suddenly she remember that she hasn't read any one of the letters. So she again turn and walk towards her locker and open it and pick one letter and started reading.

Letter 1:-

Dear Mun-hwa, sorry I mean Moon, well I write your full name because I want to tell you that I am not a bad boy who like you in this dress, or in new style, I am someone who like you from my childhood, I saw you from when you first join this university but in school with your other friends and cousins but if you think that than its wrong, I saw you before you started to join this school, you can say I saw you first in a party of your family, and I joined this school because of you, I always want to be your friend, but you was very shy and don't like to talk with others neither girls too and I was also afraid because of your overprotective friends and cousins, and I also want to tell you that you was my first crush too, and I always want to talk with you and show my presence to you but I can't do that time, when that time when your friends are against you I always trust you and want to support you but I don't want to create more misunderstanding between you all so I just always leave a motivational note and funny joke at your locker or in your bag so you feel better, because I was not with you that time to comfort you, you know what I know that you don't want to fall in love and I also know that you have crush on only k-drama or c-drama male leads, and also don't get scared well I know you are very brave, so be sure I am not any threat okay and I don't behind your money or body, I like you before as you was not like other girls , you was so innocent, cheerful, shy, brave, etc so you make a special place in my heart, and by seeing now I am sure this attitude of yours was only cover up I know you , and I am sure , you know when you left from here 5 years ago I was so devasted, I was like I loose my hope to see you again, but after your return I am very happy at least I can see you regular, and this time I want to make little presence of mine so I will satisfy that at least whom I like from my childhood atleast knew about my presence, so if you want to share any of your problem or anything when you need someone to talk than write your feelings in letter and leave in your locker, I will reply to you and be happy to know at least you accept my friendship, I will contact you by letter don't try to find me firstly I want to make you comfortable with me and become your friend because I know this time if I show up your friends and cousin will beat the shit out of me or may be you too, so if you like to accept my friendship than go to rooftop and take the chocolate from there which I bought specially for you, and I again clear the things that I want to be become your friends and I confess you that I like you and have crush on you because if we become friends and in future if I show you my face and carry on as friend but when one day I confess that time than you will be think that I was like others and broke your trust and our friendship will be ruined, so I confess you first but I really want to become your friend again but this time by showing my presence not as anynomous person, and be sure I will keep my feeling aside and only be your real bestfriend not more than that, ...

So miss Moon will you give me a chance to become your best friend.......

From your secret friend....

Moon:- Wow what I say, well I am really shocked that the motivational thoughts and joke I find in my locker was putted by someone who desperately want to become my friend, and I was.. well leave that I don't want to repeat same mistake again, and he also confess everything and he knew me more than myself than why not give it a try who don't want a real friend and from this letter I am sure he was really an angel sent by god and he is a nice person, and if in future I will like to date someone well I know it's not possible in this life but who knows the future than I will be date him first if he will interested in me that time also.

And after saying this she went to rooftop to get chocolate.

After taking chocolate.

Moon:- Impressive he know me very much as it's my favourite chocolate, and my dear secret friend if you are listening me than hear, I Lee Mun-hwa or Moon, accepted your friend request, but don't back from your words, only friendship nothing more.

By saying this she left from rooftop.

(Some spoiler for readers:- Well the person will be an important character but it will be hidden and may also become one of important person for Moon, and may be more than that, and may be he will become male lead or villain, you will find ahead..........)

When Moon exit from the university and move towards where she park her bike, there was a huge crowd.

Moon:- Why the hell are you all crowded near my bike.

Girl67:- It's yours.

Moon:- Well dear I am the only new student here and by seeing all of your reactions, it's clear that you all not saw this before, so why you all not use your brain that it's only me, whose bike it belongs to, now move from my baby or .... Cutted by Jennie.

Jennie:- Princess you came by bike.

Moon:- Yes.

Lisa:- But you don't like that, and you always prefer to come in car with..
Cutted by Moon.

Moon:- Everything is not like same, most importantly it's me who is totally change, so I like to take my leave.

Before anyone speak something Moon went to her bike and start driving and went from there leaving everyone behind.

Moon reach her mansion and park her bike and went inside.

Moon is shocked to see....... .......

What make Moon shocked?????
Find in next chapter......

Today's chapter ended here..... ..

See you soon in next chapter.......

Till than take care........


Byee... .

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