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Jimin POV:-

Well I was saying to all that I am confused to what to do, as I miss our princess too and I confess that it's our fault more than her and noonas, well specially it's Tae and other hyungs main fault, well I make that mistake that I never stop them or support my only princess who is my cousin too but more a friend, well I support my soulmate aka my best friend and about kookie he try to convince we all that it's our fault not of princess, but we all make him shut and emotionally blackmail him so he didn't support us or step in between us neither he take princess side, he was just quietly saw all this and about noonas they was with us in starting but after sometimes they get to know about the whole truth so they try to talk with princess on phone as they was absent on the last day when main incident has happened and noonas was absent as they was trying to find the real truth, as after everything their heart don't believe on that and find truth and yes they also try to ignore princess before knowing whole truth but we all except kookie was asshole and behave very bad with her and said many hurtful words to her and do that thing which we have to not done in any matter, well I don't do that much but neither stop them, but I was feeling very guilty too, but I think now, I also doing the same mistake as I again supporting my soulmate aka Tae, I don't know what should I do as I miss my princess very much, I want to take her in my embrace and never let her go, as she is not only my cousin but more than that, as she is my best friend too. Thinking this I  reach to our class off course with Tae with my side and kookie in front we reach the class in which princess is also with us, kookie was finding princess in front but my eyes went on her and I found her sitting in third last bench near the window side and scrolling her phone she didn't notice us, we starting walking towards her, but before we reached her side, 3 boys come to her and start talking which make my blood boil in anger and I see towards tae and kook, they are also having same reaction at that time I am sure if any of us out of 11 was here, they all have same reaction as we three have right now...

Tae:- Wait hyung and kook let's see what they are doing.

Kook:- And if they try to flirt with our princess than we will beat the shit out of them.

Me:- Okay.

Well to remind that time they all included princess don't notice our presence near their sit.

Boy2:- Umm Hi Moon, can we three sit with you.

We three are very very angry but we know our princess, she will reject it as she don't like to talk with others specially boys as she was shy and introvert,and she don't make any friends not with girls too as she only comfortable with us 11 only and her friends was only we three as we have less age gap and we are in same class as kookie escape 1 grade and for  princess she was a child prodigy who learn everything faster.

But we three was shocked with her answer and we three froze on our spot with frozen mind and processing that it was not our hallucinations it was truth what we hear.

Princess:- Well I don't mind to sit with three handsome boys.

She said in flirty style with wink towards them and those three assholes are blushing, she flirt back with them...

Well I come out with my trance and before they could say anything more I interrupted them because kook and tae was not come out from their shock state.

Me:- But I will mind, if you three punks sit with my I mean our princess.

By now kook come out from his trance and said:- If you want to not go to hospital directly from here, so get vanish infront of us...

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