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After Taemin and Iu left, than bp get up and face bts and talk with them in their cold tone...

Jisso:- You all stay away from our princess, you all don't have to show false care about her, we all and Princess all know that and like we act infront of our parents so just Carry on that, don't pretend here just focus on your business, her sisters are here for her, so don't waste your precious time on fake show, we all included princess don't say to our parents or uncles and aunts like just how we are doing it form 5 years. And you Kim Taehyung , I specifically warning you don't come near my princess and if you don't want to talk then don't open your cold mouth on our princess.

Jennie:- And stay away from my princess, if she gets single scratch on her body because of you all...

Rose:- Than we all show you all what hell is, and that becomes your worst nightmares, so keep your distance from my princess.

Lisa:- Firstly unnies it's our princess not only yours, and you all points towards bts she doesn't have any relation with you all because you all are the one who cut it but it's seems like now she is the one who cut all ties with you all and because of you all we are also suffering so we try our best to solve it so you better don't ruin it and about you jungkook you also can try as I see in party that she hug us including you too but neglected others so you are an exception but fit in your brain that if she do not allowed you, than also you have to back off, because this time we don't let our princess suffer because of anyone, and it also doesn't matter if it's our biological brother, because for me and i am sure for rose unnie is also our princess is first piroty so better watch your actions Jimin and Yoongi oppa said with scarsm.

Jimin & Yoongi:- She is our friend/sister too.

Jennie:- I think you two get hit on your head as you forget something which you two said to her last time 5 years ago.

Rose:- Unnie don't waste our time on them let's go to our classes.

And without listening anything else from them bp also exit from there to their classes.

Namjoon:- It's our fault, now what we will do.

Taehyung scoof and said:- It's not fully our fault we all are included and she is also the one who hide 'that' from us, if she show/give us that before than the situation didn't becomes worst.

Jin:- Shut up taehyung, don't forget that she is our princess remember the moment we spend before that incident, and it's true that we all afe at fault, but our fault is more than of anyone and anything.

Hoseok:- Hyung is right, so let's try to correct our mistake and try to bond like before.

Yoongi:- Well you all have to only try to bond with princess but I have to handle two witches first, as one is my stubborn and sassy sister and second is not less than her in stubbornness my cousin sister and about princess we have to try more hard as you all see she is totally change, just wish that she doesn't have any boyfriend and keep her distance away from boys, because that is the thing which I can't handle, you know how much I control myself from killing Taemin but now it clear that he is like her brother and most importantly he had a girlfriend so he is safe.

Jungkook:- Well you all know I am safe because I get permission from noonas too, to try to talk with her, well if they didn't allow than, that don't meant that I will not try, because I am jungkook I can do anything.

Taehyung:- I don't care, but I am not with you all, and you see how she talk with me. He scoffed.

Jimin:- Well I am confused what to do as I miss her but also I don't like her attitude and ....(cutted by jungkook)

Jungkook:- I don't care about you all now I am going to my class to see my princess and try to talk with her.

Saying this he left from there, others also follow him and went to their classes.

Well they all went to their respective classes.

As now only maknaes have same class as Moon.

Moon POV:-

After arguing with Taehyung, I leave from there, see that brat how he talk with me huh, how dare he, well I am changed too but he huh, what he think of himself, I hate him hate him hate him from bottom of my heart, sometimes I think how he became my bestfriend, if I knew his real face before I never get too much attached to him (for clarification of readers, Moon did not like or had crush on any of BTS members before incident, she treat hyung line as her own big brothers, not discriminate between cousion and kim siblings or jeon hoseok, and she treats blackpink as her own sisters, and for maknae of BTS, well that is little complicated as Jimin was her cousin brother but she treat Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung as her bestfriends, because they all are younger and less age gap and study in same class, and they all not allowed her to make any friend and she herself so shy and introvert so she don't like to make friends and she is smart to as she know others want to her friend because of her money ,etc) well now he is such an asshole, I think all are same now, leave Moon don't forget previous incidents, but I miss my unnies, yes they don't have many fault but and that bunny too, well he now become muscle bunny or muscle pig, ahhh control your emotions Moon, they are just acting don't forget easily, well in future if I have to talk or forgive than they will be only my unnies and that human bunny, but I never forgive the rest, see their audacity how they talk with me and show that like nothing happens between us and how responsible brothers and friends are they huh, scoof.

While mentally cursing on them I reach my class as teacher is not present now, well I know this time those three idiots have same class with me and my oppa(Taemin) and unnie(Iu) have different class as they are senior, where should I sit, not in front because my habbit of sitting in front is over when I leave from here as in L.A I sit in last or always try to bunk class well almost we bunk class with them but our oppas and unnies find us and sent back in class but they also give me permission to bunk as they know how much I bunk class or not pay attention in it but I always get top, but for them I have to attend class so they can concentrate and I just be with them.
Well I miss all of them and I know they all don't know that I am here and my chance to return back is now like 0.0001%, when they get back from their mission than they will get to know.
Well now concentrate here, I think after my response those three may bunk class, but whom I kidding jin oppa I mean jin-ssi will whoop their assess with joonie-ssi if they bunk, well now I have to take sit, so I took sit on third last bench and took window sit and start scrolling my phone, but interrupted by three boys who came to me to talk, well they are try to hit on me why not let's have some fun, and console my ruined mood hmm.

Boy2:- Umm Hi, Moon, can we three sit with you.

Well I didn't notice till that time that those three idiots(bts maknaes) enter the class and watching and listening us.

Me:- Well I don't mind to sit with three handsome boys, I said with wink and flirty way.

They are now blushing.

But before they reply or sit we four interrupted by.......... ............

End of Moon POV.

Today's chapter ended here.......

See you all in next chapter.......

Till than take care........


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