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Moon is shocked to see that all parents of bts and bp with her parents and dad jisung and dad jongsuk are present there.

Moon:- What all of you are doing here?

They:- What our princess don't want us anymore? They said dramatically.

Moon:- I mean at this time all of you should have at your respective office.

Bum:- We all do our work every day princess, to engage our mind in it so we don't miss you, but now you are here so we want to spend time with you princess.

Bo-gum:- But princess first of all why are you wearing this types of clothes, you never like to wear this type of dress before.

Moon:- Dad (yes she call other's bts and bp parents dad and mom too as they told her to call them like that) , it's 5 years now and many things are changed now and as I am model and famous so I have to wear this type of dress is common and as mafia princess, by any chance is some enemy tried to attack, it's easy to fight in this type of dress, and my dear all parents, do you trust me or not may be I am changed in these 5 years but I never let anyone question on myself and never do anything which makes my family disturb or have to feel ashamed because of me.

And now all of their parents come and engulf her in tight embrace.

Parents:- Sorry princess we are just protective for you as you are our precious gem. And we don't want anyone harm you or even think bad about you, and we trust you more than ourselves that you can't do anything which makes us hurt, or feel ashamed.

Before others said anything more or Moon reacts they all heard throats clearing sounds.

And when they look back they found all bts and bp are standing there.

Jungkook:- We are also here, I also want to join the group hug.

Min couple:- So who stop you to join huh.

By this all joined the hug.

After sometimes they parted away.

Jo Bo Ah:- I know my baby is confused why all of us are here at the time of work, as you know we all love you very much and they missed you very much, so we all think to live together for some time as your dads sung and suk are going back, with that most of us except me, your dadda, dad bum,and mommy also will go on business trips or for mafia works,and they take time to come, so we all think to enjoyed all together with our all kids for some times, and I know all kids will get happy after that.

Kids:- Yeah, we are very happy about that.
Some said with real expression, some with fake, and some with scarsm.

Dongwook:- As you all have your o own rooms here, so now go and fresh after that we all will eat lunch together okay.

Kids:- Okay dad/uncle.

So all went to their respective rooms to get fresh and change their dress.

Time skip after changing:-

After getting freshed and changing, all went down and found their parents are busy in taking things from here to there.

Bts, bp& Moon:- What are you all doing?

Parents:- We think to eat our lunch in garden and after that we will play or talk, as what we all wants.

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