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Well the two person who held Moon's hands are non another than................................

Min Yoongi and Min Lallisa/Lisa.

Moon:- What happened continue your fight, and let me eat my fooood first, I am freaking hungryyyyyy.

Jin:- Let's go to our private room, you can eat there like you eat before.

Moon:- Well opp--- I mean Jin-ssi there is a universal rule/truth, that anything never remain same it change according to time, and most importantly nothing is like before.

He went silent and every member of bts and bp felt pain in their heart.

Namjoon:- You are right, but don't forget that Uncle Lee and Aunt Lee give us the responsibility of you and your every matter and we have to discuss about it too.

Moon mentally shouts-- Aahhhh, momma dadda why you both make my situation most worse, what can I do now how can I get out from them, idea.

Moon:- Well, fine but firstly you both groups decide who will talk first with me.

Namjoon and Jennie who are smart in their groups, both understand what Moon means and what she is trying to do.

Jennie:- We don't need to fight as we both groups have your responsibility, so we all will talk with you at same time, and I think, no one have any problems with it, right?.

Some of them was to interrupt but the others get singal by namjoon and Jennie.

Bts &Bp:- We all have no problem.

Jungkook:- I am so happy that after so many years we all will eat together.

No one speak anything after him.

Taemin and Iu clears their throat.(By the way the both not know the whole matter, but Moon told them some parts)

Moon:- Umm then let's go I am starving. And Taemin oppa and Iu unnie are also joining with us and if anyone has problem with it, than I am not coming.

No one object it, so they continue to walk towards their private room.

They all went in their private room and all settled down on couches and sofas...

Moon is sitting with Taemin on her right side, and Iu on her left side, and others are sitting in front of her, jungkook was being the border between bts and bp as you all know how they don't want to saw each other face especially bp, so he was there and he is also sitting exactly opposite to Moon.

Jisso:- There is some time for food to come, so till than let's talk.

Moon:- Umm is there any other choice.

They shake their head as no.

Moon:- Fine, than let's start fast and over with it.

Jungkook:- Firstly, me as I am the youngest after princess.

No one said something, that means he can continue.

Jungkook:- Who are they, point towards Taemin and Iu?

Moon:- Well the both are my brother and sister.

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