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My name is Nyema and I'm deaf, not mute just deaf. I can read lips if people talk slow enough, I do know sign language, but I don't use it much. I used to be able to hear until I got into a bad car accident when I was 15, I'm 21 now. I had bad head trauma and eventually lost my hearing.
I got used to the quiet and eventually learned to love it.

I lost my dad in the accident but me and my mom survived. It was hard but it made us closer. My dad was the glue of the family and we had to learn how to make our own without him.

I always looked at the positives in my life. I still had my voice and my mom. I could work and be independent. That was something more than enough to be thankful for.

I currently worked at a company. Blackson Co. They operated in stocks and things of that sort. I worked with mail. Organizing and sorting.

It was easy. I didn't need to hear to do this job. Everyone was nice to me and I loved my job.

I even managed to make a few friends here.

I seen a hand tapping my desk and looked up seeing Mia. She pointed at her wanted "Time for lunch" she said slowly and I nodded.

I wrapped up the last of the mail placing it in the bin to the different offices. Mike would be pass later to collect so I had to have a quick lunch.

I got up walking with her to the cafe, I grabbed a chicken sandwich and some fries. Then sat at the table with everybody.

It was only 3 of us. Mia, James And me.

Mia and James were a thing but acted like they weren't. (Rolls eyes) I don't know why. You could smell it from a mile away.

"It'll Have to be quick," I said to them. I touched my throat to make sure I wasn't talking too loud.

I started eating my sandwich and James tapped in front of me "Do you need help"

I shook my head "No I'm fine thanks." I looked up at the clock "I'll see you guys later" I waved and they waved back to me.

It was the end of my day and I had gotten caught up with my work and was able to grab a bin for tomorrow's mail. I was sorting getting a head start on tomorrow when a stack of mail got slammed on my desk making me jump.

I looked up at the handsome man and could tell the man was yelling at me. Visibly angry.
"I can't hear" I pointed at my ear "I'm deaf. You have to talk slowly, so I can read your lips"

He stared at me for a second before continuing "This is the wrong mail" he said slowly.

I nodded my head "What floor?"


I got up looking through the bin. I felt his eyes on me the entire time. I usually didn't handle mail for the top floors, but I decided to check anyway to be nice.

I shook my head "You have to check with the mail assistant there, I only handle 55-60"

"This is ridiculous" he shook his head and looked at me "who hired you anyway?"

"Obviously the manager" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my coat.

"Didn't know we hired deaf people" I caught him just in time before he fully turned around.

"I'm deaf, not dumb. And I didn't know they hired assholes. Good day fuck face"

I walked out of my office to the street calling a cab. I handed them my address. I had written out pieces of papers with my address to let them know I was deaf, so they didn't think I was a bitch for ignoring them.

I got home and texted Mia and James asking if they wanted to come over. They both said yes and that they'll bring food.

That made me happy, I loved food.

They got here and bought ribs which were my absolute favorite. I loved them.

"I managed to meet an asshole today"

James looked up at me from the floor "What happened?"

"He came in yelling at me. Then said I didn't know we hired deaf people. I told him I didn't know we hired assholes and called him a fuck face"

Mia started laughing "Nyema!"

"Who was he?" James asked

"I Don't know, he was cute though. Had these icy blue eyes like Damon Salvatore" I thought back to the handsome asshole. James And Mia gasped "what?" I looked at the birth of them.

"Jet black hair?" Mia asked and I nodded "Tall? Looked like he walked out of a magazine?" I nodded.

They both started laughing "You just cussed out one of the big bosses"

I covered my mouth "shut up! Oh my god, I'm gonna lose my job!"

"Greyson Coal" Mia said "and you won't he's usually the nicer one. Daxon is the one that would've fired yo ass"

James nodded in agreement "make some of those blueberry muffins you put yo magic in" He closed his eyes and shook his head. I assumed he was moaning. "And apologize"

Mia nodded her head "Those things could make a sinner repent"

I looked at them weird "Apologize? Nyema Quest does not apologize"

"You wanna lose yo job?" Mia looked at me

I got up "I'll get started, you guys want some?"

"Duh," Mia said.

I got up going to the kitchen and pulled the ingredients outs. They were my grandma's blueberry muffins. She used to make them for church every Sunday. She eventually stopped going and the church was in an uproar about it. Her back was giving her a lot of problems and 'The lord still knows I love him'. So now she just watches the gospel channel on BET now.

I peaked around the corner and saw them making out. I smiled and started laughing to myself. The sexual tension between them was too hard to ignore.

"I see you guys!" I yelled like the cock blocker I am.

Mia and James jumped away from each other and James through a pillow at me.
"Nyema!" He yelled

I threw it back at him and accidentally hit Mia. She turned around with her mouth in an O.
"I'm not James close it, baby girl," I said laughing. They both got up running towards me and I ran back to the kitchen "Muffins" I yelled out laughing "I have to make the muffins"

Quest (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now