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Destiny had put me on to Jhene Aiko these past few days. I was currently listening to her song pussy fairy. This song had to be a Succubus theme song. Well, at least mine.

I heard a knock at the door and it was my mom coming in with a tray. "How's my baby doing?" She shut the door and sat the tray on the nightstand.

I sat up trying to get out the bed and my mom came over pushing me back down "mom I'm fine" I rubbed my stomach. I was started to show and I looked 5 months pregnant.

"No, the doctor said bed rest. Did you feed?"

I turned red "mom can you not?"

She touches my stomach "just making sure my babies are okay, you need to make sure you're keeping up with your feedings Nyema"

"Yes, I fed. How's the meeting going?" I looked up asking her.

Daxon and Greyson forbid me from having any involvement in finding Emmanuel. I'm sure by now Emmanuel and Jonas know that girl isn't me. I mean it's been 4 days since I escaped.

"It's going well. We think we've found a solution" she said hopefully

"Really?" I sat up excited and my mom pushed the food towards me. I picked up the sandwich and took a few bites "well? What is it?"

"Nothing you need to worry about. Just focus on growing them babies. That's what's important right now"

"I have an appointment later. I want to know the genders so I can start picking out names" She looked uncomfortable for a moment before masking it "What was that?"

She sighed "The boys got a lead on Emmanuel and went to follow up on it."

"They what!"

"They took destiny and a few pack members with them" she tried to reassure me "You know they'll be okay"

I tried to calm down. I knew if I started getting myself all worked up they would feel it. The last thing they needed was to feel how I felt and get distracted.

"Okay. They have a witch working for them. I don't remember if I told you that or not. I just feel like it's a lot more we need to know before going all in."

"Don't you worry about that now baby, we got it. Like I said you just focus on raising my grandbabies." She leaned over and kissed my head "I'm going to send Matthew in here. You want Mia too?"

"Yes please"

"I'm going to go to the store, grab a few things. You want anything?"

"No momma I'm okay"

She kissed my head again and hugged me "I love you so much Nyema Jupiter, you know that right?" I nodded my head "And I am so proud of the woman you've become."

"All because of you" I looked up at her "I love you too momma" I smiled and pulled her down to hug me.


I walked out of my baby's room and Nashabo was standing in front of me. He pulled me into a hug and I started crying. I was trying to keep it together for Nyema but Nashabo made all of it come out.

"You don't have to do this you know that?" He pulled my chin up looking at him

"I have to. He'll never leave them alone if I don't, she's pregnant"

"Aaliyah we can find another way," he said confidently

"No, we can't. And you know we can't. Emmanuel can't be killed, not without one of us dying too. Now are you gonna help me or stand there"

He shook his head "whatever you want Aaliyah"

"Now open me a portal" I took a deep breath

I sighed looking at my old personal hell. I pulled the blade out of my pocket and cut my hand letting the blood drop on the ground of the temple.

The ground started to shake and my father appeared with a huge smile on his face. "Is that my chosen daughter?"

I grabbed Nashabo hand tightly "hello father"

He eyed Nashabo "where is Emmanuel?"

My father had personally made Emmanuel for me. He thought that me and Emmanuel could rule together when he eventually stepped down. He made Emmanuel in my image, from my body.

He was my eve.

But my grandmother had other plans for me and sent me my sweet Nashabo.

That's how I ended up with two mates.

One dark and one light.

"Father I need a favor"

He scoffed "and here I thought you missed me"

I rolled my eyes "I need you to take Emmanuel back with you" he looked at me crazy and was about to say something but I begged him "please as your chosen-"


"But fathe-"

"Aaliyah no, he is your mate." He looked at Nashabo while saying that "Your true mate"

"Emmanuel has been trying to kill me and your granddaughter. Please she's pregnant" i said nearly crying

He looked at me for a second pondering then nodded "Fine, only because my love for you is strong" he gave me a condescending smile.

"Thank you" I breathed out

"But you are to return home"

The same breath I just took was sucked back into my body "but my baby she's pregnant"

"That is my agreement," he said loud and firmly.

I nodded my head "Okay, but I want to spend the rest of her pregnancy with her."

"Then that's when I'll take Emmanuel-"

"No! You will take him now!" I had tears falling down my face "My child is in danger! Her babies are in danger! If you love me like you say you do please, just please take him now"

"I'll give you a week," he said finally.

With that, he disappeared and I fell into Nashabo's arms crying. "This is the only way they'll be safe," I said to him

He nodded his head pulling me tighter into him "let's go home to our daughter okay?"

I nodded my head and he kissed my head "Let's go home to our baby"

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