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"That's a woman" Daxon panted pointing at the door. He started picking his clothes up off the floor and putting them back on.

I started chuckling and shaking my head "I've never seen you so tired after fucking somebody"

"I know," he said flopping down in the chair "Took everything out of me. I tried to go longer but it's like she just pulled it out of me," he said amazed, "I think I love her" he said dramatically

I laughed at him and shook my head "Trust me I know. She did the same thing to me"

"I need a nap" he leaned on the desk

"No" he looked up at me crazy "As much as I would love to go to sleep, we need to figure out this Emmanuel shit. Everywhere he goes death follows closely behind"

He sat up "You're right. And the fact that he bumped into Nyema. I don't like that. I'll call some more pack warriors to follow her."

I nodded my head "Let them know to keep the injections going and training is 10 hours a day. Double the patrols."

"We need to get some holy water in her." He said

"We will. We have to tell her the truth soon. I was so close to marking her. I had to hold Aho back"

"Yeah, Masko was going insane."

"I'm glad she's feeling the mate bond and accepting it. Most wolves who are mates to humans struggle with that"

I got a notification from my phone and it was Nyema.

'Forgot to mention, my mom wants to meet you guys. Hope it's okay I told her about the three of us'

I looked up showing Daxon the message and he smiled "Meeting the in-law already"

"I wouldn't get too excited. Her mother seems very... intense"

I texted Nyema back telling her it was fine and whenever she wanted us there we'll be there.


I rushed to Mia's office and she wasn't there. I went downstairs to the lobby looking for her and she was sitting in one of the chairs.

I went up tapping her on her shoulder. She looked up at me "Where the hell have you been?" She looked at my neck and I blushed "Oh" she smiled

"I got us an extra hour and a half since I was late"

She got up hugging me "No girl, get yo men."

"Let's go"

"What did you guys do? And you never told me what happened with Greyson when I left. And what the hell happened today?"

I smiled at her and she gasped "I know. I know. But I couldn't help myself. Greyson was amazing and Daxon was great. They both are gods." I gushed

"Wait was Greyson there when you fucked Daxon?" She whispered

"Yup, right there with his dick in my mouth"

She gasped and hit the table "Shut the fuck up! You nasty bitch! Tell me everything!"

I started laughing giving her the details of my time with Greyson and then the both of them. She was sitting there listening like a little kid being told a story.

"I decided I'm going to let them meet my mom tomorrow"


I shrugged "It just feels right. I thought it would be weird or uncomfortable but it's the exact opposite. Every time I'm around them everything just clicks"

"You know what, I'm happy for you" she smiled "what did yo mom say when you asked her to meet them?"

"Actually she asked me"



"Greyson Get the fuck out of my room"

"You can't wear that to meet our mate's mom"

I turned around looking at him "You look like somebody's uncle"

"And you look like you don't give a fuck about meeting our mate's mom. At least put a damn suit jacket on"

"No" I pointed at him and grabbed my wallet and keys "let's go"

We were all awkwardly sitting at the table. Nyema was between me and Greyson. Nyema was playing with her food and trying to make conversation.

Her mom put elbows on the table halfway covering her mouth "I know you're wolves"

Greyson looked up and I tensed a bit. Nyema was looking at everybody "What?" She looked at her mom "What'd you say?"

"Be quiet Nyema" she told her.

Nyema sat back in her chair defeated. Greyson looked at her and chuckled and she punched his leg.

"Is she your mate?" She asked me

"The both of ours," I said looking Over at Greyson

Nyema looked at all of us "It's not polite to talk behind somebody's back. Especially when they're deaf and in front of you"

"Where's Emmanuel?" her mother asked ignoring her.

I leaned against the table "how do you know him?"

"Is he still here?" I nodded "line your territory with gold. He won't be able to stand it." She got up from the table going to the kitchen and came out with a canteen "that's water from the Red Sea, Inject your pack with it and my daughter and it'll protect you from him"

"Are you a vampire?" Greyson asked


"So what are you?"

"A succubus"

I laughed "Emmanuel wiped those out long ago"

"Yes, he did. But not all of us. There 4 left. Have you mated with her?" I raised my eyebrow at her "Tiredness after sex? Feeling drained and forced? You're wolves so you don't exactly have those problems with humans do you?"

"Does she know" he grabbed Nyema's hand kissing it.

"No her father put a spell over her. Over the last of us. But with Emmanuel here that must mean it's weakening"

"Her father was a warlock?" I asked

"Yes," she got up again and motioned for me to follow her. She went into the kitchen and reached into the wall handing me a black vile "This is to control her urges. She can get very.... sexual. I can't imagine how it must be with her mates"

"She's been doing good to us."

"Mating her means you have to fulfill her urges. She can get very sick. Deadly sick, of they're not. I can't tell you how many times we had to wipe her memory after she's killed a human"

"How do you know Emmanuel exactly?"

She looked at the doorway "I had two mates like she does. Her father and Emmanuel"

"Wait so you're-"


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