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"Jonas will show you to your room," Emmanuel said walking away

"You're not gonna keep me in some cell or something?"

"You'll have more of a reason not to trust me"

"I already don't trust you. You threatened to hurt my pack and my mom. You knocked my best friend out and had my beta tied down by fucking bloodsuckers. Trust is way out the got damn question" I crossed my arms glaring at him.

He started laughing "As I said. Jonas will show you to your room"

I rolled my eyes and turned around seeing a sexy chocolate ass man. But not my men "Let me guess? Jonas?"

 But not my men "Let me guess? Jonas?"

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"Just show me to the got damn room"

"Why the long face? Waiting for your dogs?" He smirked

I slapped the shit out of him and he grabbed his face "Don't show me shit. I guarantee I won't be here for long"

"Think those dogs of yours can save you?" He grabbed me laughing and I clawed at his face. He pushed me away yelled "You bitch!"

"Fuck off" I stomped off.

He ran in front of me and grabbed my arm "I have orders to show you to your new room" he said frustrated.

I snatched away from him "Then do your job you fucking flunky"

"Come on" he started walking then stopped abruptly "Don't even try and contact your little dogs. The wards are pretty strong"

"Wards? Like witches?"

He shook his head "humans" he muttered walking away.

They're working with fucking witches.

It's been twelve days since I been here and I'm sick as fuck. I haven't fed, and being away from Daxon and Greyson hasn't helped either. Anything I eat comes up and I barely can walk. Most days I can't even leave the bed because of the strain of the mate bond. I needed my mates and I need them bad.

Emmanuel came in explaining everything I already knew about my parents and him. The only thing I didn't know was that Jonas was his son.

Not my brother. Apparently, Hatshepsut is his mom. So that means he was cheating on my mom for longer than she thought.

I should've just stayed in the fucking house.

I heard somebody come in. I barely had the energy to move. I saw Emmanuel walking over to me with a tray.

"You need to eat"

"I can't fucking eat you dense fuck. Get out"

He grabbed my throat "you need to eat" he let me go and sat the food on the bed.

I glared at him and grabbed the water "You know whatever you have planned for me. It won't work if I'm sick"

"I've noticed. Working out the kinks with that one"

I scoffed "Maybe you should just let me go and let go of your fucking grudge. You wouldn't have one if you never cheated on my mom. Fucking idiot."

"Your mother had a favorite-"

"Maybe she had a favorite because you were cheating on her"

He scoffed and rolled his eyes "Anyway. The two-mate thing is bullshit. That's why I broke our connection"

I shook my head "You didn't deserve her. That's why my mom killed her" He grabbed me pulling me out of the bed and onto the floor making me groan. I started laughing "Only an idiot would go against the mate bond. I'm surprised you aren't dead yet"

He grabbed my face and smiled "Your attitude is a replica of Aaliyah." He laughed "When you marry Jonas and those wonderful gifts-"

"Marriage? Gifts?" I started laughing "just cause I'm marked by them doesn't make me some powerful wolf. And you must be dense if you think I'm marrying that dense fucker you call a son"

"We'll see" he got up and walked out "I'll send Rita in. See if she can get you to eat something."

Rita was the witch that portal us out. Emmanuel was keeping her against her will. He killed her coven, and brainwashed her into thinking if she did what he said, she could go back to her family.

I had a plan and I prayed it worked.

I heard a knock on the door and saw Rita coming in with a vamp as always. Emmanuel thought it was necessary. Why I don't know. He and Jonas think I don't know about myself and just think I think I'm a human.

"Can I have a glass of water" I looked at the both of them. The tray of food was still on the floor from when Emmanuel knocked the shit over choking me out. The vamp stared at me for a second then nodded his head "I'm sorry I didn't catch your name?" I asked him.


"Thanks, Michael"

He walked out and I looked over at Rita who was handing me a drink. I stared at it cautiously. I decided not to drink it and just put it down.

"I know I haven't given you a reason to trust me" she took a sip of it and I stared at her crossing my arms. She chuckled and drank the rest "See"


She leaned in "You need to drink this so those babies can be healthy"

What the fuck.

"Babies?" I looked up at her then back down at my stomach "I'm pregnant?" I whispered

She nodded her head "Yes ma'am and I'm gonna get you out of here. Those babies' safety are too important. So drink up" She handed me the glass.

I took the drink from her and gulp it down "Can-Can you just break the barrier so I can talk to them?"

"In a moment."

The vamp came back in with a glass and pitcher of water, handing it to me. "Thank you"

"We'll bring you some food in a moment"

They shut the door and I rubbed my stomach. Wait did she say, babies?

'Daxon? Greyson?'

I knew Rita hadn't given me the okay to try yet but this was the part of my daily routine.


I sat my head in between my legs crying. I had to get out of here. By any means necessary. I was a witch myself so how hard could taking some wards down be? I wasn't going to wait on Rita. I had my babies to protect now.

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