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I pulled up to the packhouse after dropping Nyema off. I told Matthew who I had run into, who had run into me, and to keep an eye out for Nyema.

Emmanuel Makens was trouble. He was an original Vampire. One of many. He's been in rule since A.D. it was once heard that he was one of Cleopatra's lovers. He wiped out an entire species over a woman he had fallen in love with. As old as he was, he was stupid enough to fall in love with a succubus. She left him, and he hunted her down killing the entire species of them, it didn't bother me. My grandfather said they hated us. But still a bit much for a break up if you ask me.

Whatever he was in town for wasn't good.

Nothing good came from Emmanuel Makens.


He came running down the stairs "Matthew just told me what happened. What did he say to you?"


I kissed Nyema's hand smiling at her. She could be so seductive and innocent. Her confidence just added to it. It was refreshing, she was refreshing.

I looked up seeing the last person I ever thought I would see.

He came up to me smiling. "Daxon Blackson, nice to finally meet you"

I looked at Nyema then back at Emmanuel "You were certainly the last person I expected to see here. In Florida" I said quickly so Nyema couldn't read my lips.

"Just wanted to try something new, thought Florida would be a good place" he looked around "Thought about investing in a few businesses here. Think you could help?"

I read right through him. He wasn't here for no damn business. At least not my kind. "Of course"

"Your mate?" He nodded at Nyema

"No, she's an employee"

"You take all your employees to lunch?"

"The beautiful ones yes"

He smiled and put the cigar back in his mouth puffing "My man"

"How long do you plan on staying? And it would've been nice to let us know you were coming instead of putting us on high alert. You know wolves and all"

"I eventually wanted to make my rounds. No need to worry."

"Certainly took your time"

He looked back at Nyema "I hope you don't mind if I grab a bite later? Not from her, at least."

"Make it your first and last. We don't need the humans getting close to us"

"Eat and erase, got it" he smiled turning around and grabbing her hand. No doubt trying to get a scent off her. But hers was so unique and intoxicating. He would be hypnotized, he wouldn't feed off of her. I watched him discreetly sniff my mate and Masko was trying to make his way through but I controlled him.

"I'm Emmanuel Makens, pleasure to meet you beautiful"

She took his hand awkwardly and smiled "Rachel"

"Its a beautiful name" he smiled at her and I held back a growl

"Its a common name" she shot back smiling

I smiled. My girl.

End of flashback

"I told you she could sense an energy and body language like she could hear everything," Grey said proudly

"Yeah," I said thinking back to their encounter then shaking my head "We need to figure out why he's really here and keep Nyema the hell away from him. He looked at her like he wanted her" i said paraniod

"Since we know it's Emmanuel we can better prepare the pack. Re-educate them on everything Emmanuel and his clan. They are strong, smart and as far as we know have no weaknesses. We'll tell the pack to inject themself with holy water daily from now on and be cautious on attacking a vampire just in case they have any wolfsbane on them." he paused, thinking "Emmanuel does have a weakness" I looked at him entertaining the idea "Aaliyah"

I looked at him crazy "She's dead"

"Yes but we can have Destiny fix up a nice glamour when needed"

"No! Absolutely not!" I yelled looking at him crazy

"Shouldn't that be my decision?" My sister destiny came down the stairs

"No destiny" I shook my head

"If it'll help the pack then you know I'll do it"

"You are not a part of this pack! I said no" I yelled at her. She flinched at my words "I didn't mean that Dest-"

She bit her lip holding back tears "Message received. Loud and clear Daxon" she turned back and ran up the stairs.

"You're an asshole Daxon" Grey looked at me shaking his head

"I didn't mean it. I just want her safe"

"Yeah I get it, but you know with her being adopted she needs to feel as much as a part of this pack as anyone else. Plus dealing with this, it could give her some closure"

I nodded my head. He was right. My parents found destiny shivering on the side of the highway outside of our territory when she was around 7. Covered in blood. She didn't speak for days. Eventually, we found out her coven had been slaughtered by vampires. It wasn't abnormal for vampires to hunt witches. Whenever a vampire fed on a witch they possessed their powers for a short time. My parents love her, would die for her. If they found out anything happened to her under my care, I'm pretty sure they would murder me.

"I'll go talk to her," I said heading up the stairs.

Greyson grabbed me "Give her some time to cool down." he said moving to stand in front of me "We don't need her turning you into a talking pumpkin again" he started laughing.

I played a prank on her on Halloween, scared the shit out of her. She threw he hands up screaming and accidentally turned me into a pumpkin. The pack laughed about it for weeks.

"It was an accident" I mumbled rolling my eyes.

"Shit was still funny"

"Shut up and call our parents. We need their help" I said walking away and towards my office.

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