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Daxon and Greyson were getting on my nerves. Daxon's dramatic ass carried me all the way to the appointment. Which was on the other side of the damn packhouse. I get I was high risk but I was definitely capable of doing something myself.

Such as walking.

My mom thought it was cute and started taking pictures.

Greyson was holding and kissing my hand.

We finally got to the room and Daxon put me down on the bed. I had just worn a robe since my clothes were getting smaller. You could tell I was growing bit by bit each day.

My mens sat in the chairs and my mom and dad sat next to them. Grey was still holding my hand.

I wiggled his hand to get his attention. He raised his eyes and gave me a hmm?

"You're cute, you gotta girlfriend?"

He started laughing and shook his head "You're a dork"

"Dad you know what Grey said to me when he first met me"

"Nyema shut up," Greyson said quickly

I started laughing "what did he say?" My dad asked

"So he slammed these letters on my desk and was yelling at me and I was just looking at him crazy. And I'm like I'm deaf and then his raggedy ass was like I didn't know we hired-"

"The doctor's here!" Grey yelled out when Ross the pack doctor came in.

"Alphas, Luna" he nodded his head and started to set up the machine. "Mr. and Mrs.Quest"

I looked at Grey "You never answered the question"

"What question"

I rolled my eyes "I asked do you got a girlfriend"

"No, I got a wife though"

"Oooo" I said wiggling my body

Daxon started laughing "That was good"

"Right" Grey smiled

"Dorks" I laughed at them

Ross looked at Grey and Daxon before opening my robe and I giggled. They nodded and he started to put the gel on my stomach. He moved around a bit and then turned the screen around. "There's your babies. Baby A is a girl, baby B is a girl-"

"It better be a boy in there somewhere" my mom blurted out, cutting him off.

Ross started laughing "Baby C is a boy" he cleaned the gel off and handed me a towel. "Babies are looking very healthy. I would say another month before they make their big appearance"

"Oh god we have no baby shit done" I started to freak a bit

"Don't worry, we'll get everything taken care of" Grey said relaxed as always.

I looked at the doctor "Can I get off bed rest? I'm going crazy laying in bed all day"

"Sorry Luna. I'm afraid not. Carrying these babies is a lot on your body. You need as much rest as possible"

I sighed "Um what exactly is their pedigree?"

"Well since you're a witch Succubus and part goddess they'll be that too, with the wolf gene"

"They'll have a wolf right?" I asked nervously. I know how important Masko and Aho are to Daxon and Grey.

"Yes, they will" I nodded my head "I'll see you guys in 3 days."

I was laying in the bed with my mom eating. We were watching power puff girls. I had a notebook on my lap coming up with girl names. I decided I'll let Greyson and Daxon come up with the boy's name.

"Oh, what about Zuri lovely? Or Zuri Aaliyah?"

"I like Zuri Lovely. Aaliyah isn't a good person" my mom said

"You'll always be a good person mom"

She smiled at me and tapped the notebook "Zuri Lovely. What's next?"

I tapped the pen against my chin "Tina Turner" She looked at me and we both started laughing.

"I like the name Infinity"

"That's pretty. ZURI! INFINITY!" My mom jumped and I nodded writing infinity down "This is good. This is good."

"Infinity Reigns," my mom said

"That beautiful," I wrote it down. I sighed "this is another reason I want a DNA test. I don't know how to issue out last names"

My mom laughed "Shit put the names in a bowl"

"You're sick"

"That's what I did"

I looked at her "what?"

"I'm joking baby. I knew you were yo dads when you came out. Look just like the warlock"

"I hope one of my babies look like me"

My mom sighed "they will, they will"

"You okay mom?" I turned and faced her "You're energy's been off and Dads been being weird too"

"I'm fine baby. Just been tired"

"Um have you and dad. You know?" I gagged trying to push the thought away of my mom feeding.

"Yes, I've fed Nyema. I'm just tired. Being on earth for thousands of years and running it can get tiring." She put her hand on my stomach "But you were worth it all. And now my grand babies are worth it all"

"Worth What all mom?" I asked confused "what are you talking about?"

She kissed my head "nothing I loved you Nyema so much."

"I love you too" I looked at her weirdly. "We should ask if I can get out of bed and help with the baby rooms." I looked around "matter fact I want them in here. They can just sleep in here with us."

Right when I said that my mens came in and I smiled at them. They each gave me a kiss.

"Can I go baby shopping?" I blurted out "With my mom of course. And some of the pack members."

"You can online," Daxon said walking away

"You guys are mean" I pouted.

"We just want you safe" Grey said while pulling some clothes out for me "Especially while Emmanuel is still out there"

"Fine" I handed them the notebook "These are the girl names we picked out"

"Zuri Lovely and Infinity Reigns" Daxon smiled and handed it to Greyson.

Grey pulled a paper out of his back pocket and handed it to me "I picked out the first name and Daxon picked out the middle. We know how important your roots are to you since you know them now so we stayed close to that"

I smiled at them and opened the paper up "Montu Zosar" I looked at them "I love it"

My mom leaned over to me and pointed at Montu "Montu is an ancient Egyptian god. I've never seen him but it's rumored he is always in the form of a falcon. And Zosar" she pointed at the name "means King"

"Like his dads"

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