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I was nervous. I didn't like change. Especially in workplaces. I felt like a kid going to a new school and the teacher made you introduce yourself to the class.

I had just put on my shoes when Greyson texted me letting me know he was outside. When he found out I didn't have a car and was taking taxis he wasn't having it. Said it was too dangerous.

Life is dangerous.

I walked outside and he was leaning against the car looking all sexy. He was definitely a sight to see.

I walked up kissing him "That's what you're wearing to work?"

He shook his head "I got some things to handle today" he opened the door for me.

When we were in the car I saw him nodding to the music. We stopped at a red light "I miss music" I said looking out the window.

He turned my head around "Have you ever thought of getting your hearing fix?"

"The implant?" He nodded "Not really. I try to be grateful for what I have. I don't want to push it. Anything could go wrong"

He leaned over kissing me "You can be grateful and still deserve more"

He dropped me off at work but not before walking me in to meet his friend. We went to the top floor of the building.

"You didn't have to walk me up" I watched as he knocked on the door.

"Yes I did"

His friend opened the door in a striped suit and a big smile with dimples.

He was cute.

They started talking and I tried to catch what they were saying but eventually gave up. I started looking around and familiarizing myself with the new building.

Greyson tapped my shoulder getting my attention. Matthew held his hand out and I shook it.

"Nice to meet you," I said

"It's an honor" I looked at him weirdly for saying that, and he shook his head chuckling "For locking Greyson and Daxon down."

I nodded my head awkwardly and smiled. We had just set everything up yesterday and they were already telling their friends that I locked them down?

Greyson turned me around holding my shoulders "Daxon will come get you at one and whenever you're ready to go" I was about to protest but he just glared at me and I nodded my head. He gave me another kiss "I'll text you, let us know if you need anything before then"

"Okay" I nodded my head and gave him another kiss. I turned back to Matthew "So? My office?" I said awkwardly and bounced on my heels

"Right. Sorry." He snapped his fingers and closed the door leading me across to the elevator. I looked over seeing him talking and chuckled. He shook his head "I am so sorry"

"It's okay, just grab my wrist or something if you're trying to get my attention" He nodded his head mumbling another apology. He walked me to my office and it was just plain and white "can I decorate it?"

"Of course," he said something else but I didn't understand and just nodded. He walked out and I grabbed a box sitting it on my desk and started to get to work.

One came around quicker than I thought it would. I saw my door open and Daxon came in.

"Hey beautiful you ready to go?"

"Yeah" I smiled at him. I was stressed all day today. I usually only had 5 floors to sort but here I had 7. The extra two made a hell of a difference. Seeing Daxon was certainly a relief.

We went to this beautiful outdoor restaurant. It was close enough where you could see the beach and enjoy the view.

"This is beautiful," I said smiling at him

"I'm glad you like it. I had to ask Greyson what type of places you liked"

"You could've asked me, you know?"

"Well you've seen to take more of a liking to Greyson than me" I watched his shoulders tense.

"Jealousy looks good on you" I teased him.

"I'm not-" I raised an eyebrow at him and he smiled shaking his head.

"It's weird how comfortable I am around the two of you so suddenly. I usually don't do people, but I like the two of you" I said holding my throat "You two really balance each other out I've noticed"

"I'm glad" he beamed "I was worried that you wouldn't agree to it, and as far as us balancing each other out. We do, he's like a brother to me."

"Usually I wouldn't but something just pushed me to and I'm glad I did" I reached over and held his hand feeling hotter "Maybe me and you can do the same thing me and Greyson did last night" I jumped back shocking myself then pulling away "I'm sorry-"

"Hey it's okay" he grabbed my hand kissing it and as corny as it sounds, I felt sparks.

I saw him look up and tense. A man came over saying something to Daxon. Daxon looked at me in the corner of his eye then looked back at the man. They were talking about something. Daxon eyes were filled with curiosity than anger. I looked at the other man and he was just smiling, he had a cigar in his mouth and was occasionally taking it out to speak. I could tell by the tension in the air these two were not friends.

Then the man turned around and stared at me for a while before he held his hand out "Emmanuel-" he said his last name but I couldn't make it out.

I shook his hand awkwardly "Rachel"

"Its a beautiful name" he smiled

"Its a common name" I smiled back "but thank you"

He patted Daxon's shoulder then walked away. Daxon grabbed my hand and pulled me up. We walked to the car and I could tell by his grip he was pissed. We got in the car and I saw him talking, obviously yelling. He hit the wheel a few times, I put my hand on his back and started rubbing circles and I felt him relaxed.

As weird as this sounded. I wish I could just make him feel better. Happier.

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