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Matthew pulled away from Mia while still holding on to her ass. Her breathing was hard and her eyes were closed. Matthew's eyes were glowing gold letting me know his wolf was near.

I cleared my throat and Matthew looked at me. I moved my eyes to Mia who eyes were still closed.

"Um Mia this is Matthew," I said awkwardly

Mia cleared her throat finally opening her eyes "Um hi, I'm Mia"

I felt Mia's arousal and I looked at Matthew knowing he smelt it. I took a few deep breaths trying to control myself. The last thing I wanted to do was kill my best friend. I tried to think of other things besides my best friend being horny. I am not going to suck my best friend's energy up.

Daxon. Greyson. I thought about them, I'm in bed fucking them. They're kissing my marks. I'm on top of Daxon kissing down his chest pulling his dick out to suck him off while jacking Greyson off-

"Um, you wanna go home Luna?" I heard Bear

I cleared my throat 'Had to think of something if I didn't want to kill your mate' "No I'm fine. Let's go get some drinks"

Mia and Matthew were hitting it off and I was drinking occasionally joining in. Mia asked me about my marks and I just told her I just got a tattoo out of impulse. She was so wrapped up in Matthew she didn't even question it. Mia was horny the whole time and Matthew kept sending me apologetic looks.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I held my phone up "Gonna check up on my mens"

"Need me to come with you?" Matthew said

"No if somebody hits on me I'll just kill them" literally

He started laughing and then kissed Mia's neck. Oh wow. The power of being the mate bond.

I smiled thinking about the first time I was around Daxon and Greyson at the same time.

I called Daxon, I knew the mate bond was getting stronger because every time I was away from them longer than a few hours I would be on the brink of tears.

"Nyema you okay?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to see what you guys were doing?"

"Ask her if she felt it" I heard Greyson in the background

"Felt what?"

Daxon cleared his throat "we um had a situation earlier"

"A situation?"

I heard Greyson grabbing the phone "Nyema, Daxon felt somebody sucking him off and I was getting my dick hand fucked"

I started laughing at his bluntness because it wasn't like Greyson at all. I paused thinking about what I thought earlier "I um thought about you guys earlier. Mia is Matthews mate and her energy was so strong. I thought about you guys so I didn't hurt her." I started playing with my necklace. "Maybe we should try it again? Maybe it's my gift my mom was talking about!" I got excited.

I hung up the phone and called my mom, from getting overly excited.

"Feeling better?"

"Um, actually I have a question. I think I found out what my gift was, is?"

She started chuckling "well what is it?" I started explaining to her what happened and how the guys called me telling me what happened "So you hung up on your mates to call your mom?"

I started laughing and the door busted open and I saw Emmanuel. "Nyema?" I turned the phone down and looked at Emmanuel.

"I didn't think this was the gender-neutral bathroom" I crossed my arms.

"Nice marks" he smiled at me

"How can I help you?"

He came closer to me and sniffed me. My first thought was honestly to play dumb. I finally knew who he really was and my parent's history with him.

Is he technically my stepdad? Or dad 2.0?

I pushed him back "let me guess you're a wolf who hates my mates"

He started laughing then his face got serious "Oh you're serious?" He grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me out of the bathroom.

I saw about 40 vampires and all the humans were dead. Mia was knocked out and blood was leaking from her head. I only knew she was alive because I could feel her energy. Matthew was being held down by 5 vampires.

"Bear!" I tried to run over to him but Emmanuel pulled me back. I elbowed him in his face and he let me go.

"You step any closer to him and they'll break his neck and kill your friend"

The 5 vampires grabbed Matthew's neck and held tightly to it. I felt tears in my eyes but I didn't dare let them fall.

I turned around looking at Emmanuel "what do you want? To take me?"

He nodded his head "and a few other things. If you want to keep your pack and mom safe"

"I'm not leaving till I know they're back safe at the packhouse"

"Nyema!-" Matthew yelled

"Shut up!"

He nodded his head and snapped his fingers. The vampires ran off with Matthew and Mia.

"Still think we're werewolves?" He chuckled

"I'm not sure. I'm quite new to the whole supernatural lifestyle"

"Vampires honey."

I nodded my head "So do I get a rundown of everything I have to do so you won't kill my pack and mom?"

"Mmm mmm mmm. Got that whole feisty thing going on like Aaliyah or lovely. Whatever she's going by now"

"How exactly do you know my mom? I thought you were just a competitor of Daxon and Greyson?"

Dumb act keep it going, girl. I looked down at my phone and saw my mom had hung up. I slid it into my pocket.

"They've really been keeping you in the dark huh?"

"Apparently so" I shrugged.

He grabbed me and vamp ran towards my packhouse. I saw Mia on the couch and Matthew was sitting next to her talking to Daxon and Greyson. My mom was standing next to them and my dad was coming down the stairs.

"Well look at this." He grabbed my hair making me flinch "looks like you never said your dad came back. Thought he died"

I scoffed "my dad was in the military. Idiot."

I saw Daxon and Greyson run outside and towards us. Emmanuel waved at them and I saw a woman pop up and open a portal, he pulled me through it and we ended up at some beach house.

 Emmanuel waved at them and I saw a woman pop up and open a portal, he pulled me through it and we ended up at some beach house

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"Well this is fancy"

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