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I woke up to just Greyson. Daxon and Grey had been on rotation the past few days. They didn't want to leave me alone. Which they didn't, my mom would come in here every day for the past 3 days at 1 with my lunch and spend the rest of the day with me until she was tired.

I had a growth spurt and I looked like I was 7 months pregnant. I couldn't even lay on my back without getting winded. Ross said that was normal because the babies were so heavy.

Because they were so big and I was so swollen he wanted to monitor them constantly. So I've had a baby monitor on my stomach that sends alerts to Ross every 30 minutes.

He said he wouldn't be surprised if I gave birth before the end of the month.

That scared the hell out of me.

I haven't seen Mia and I'm not allowed to. My hunger has been all over the place and very uncontrollable and the last thing I want to do is kill my best friend. We text and FaceTime but I miss her presence.

Bear has been busy with his beta duties so I haven't seen him as much. I miss my movie buddy.

I tried to turn over but was stuck. My belly made it hard for me to do anything. (Laughs miserably).

I felt Greys hand pull me and help me turn around. I rolled my eyes and he was smiling. "You look beautiful"

"I look a swollen mess. I can feel it"

He got up and ran me a bath and picked some clothes out for me. I just smiled at him. He looked at me weird "What?"

"I just love you so much."

He picked me up bridal style and sat me on the counter and handed me my toothbrush and toothpaste "I love you too" he kissed my nose "I'll love you even more when you brush your teeth" he held his hand over my mouth and handed me my toothbrush.

I laughed and pushed his hand away then started brushing my teeth "jerk"

"How're our babies Ross?" I asked

"Perfect, although the last growth spurt was bigger than we estimated. They're still healthy. We need you getting as much rest as possible with how fast they're growing."

"I am. Daxon and Grey won't even let my feet touch the floor"

"As they should," my mom said

"Overprotective much" I mumble. "Is the swelling normal?"

"It is. Your body is under a lot of pressure and stress from carrying these babies. They're the first of a kind."

I started rubbing my stomach. My little special babies.


Once we got back from the appointment Nyema went straight to sleep, she had been tired a lot since the last growth spurt and more hungry as far as her feedings. Nyema was very independent, so I know her depending on us fully was an adjustment to her.

I loved taking care of her.

"We need to talk" Daxon broke me out of my thoughts and started walking towards the closet.

I got up and followed him to the closet. "Daxon I love you and all but I'm not gay"

"Shut the fuck up"

I crossed my arms "What's up?"

"I haven't told you about Emmanuel"

"Yeah, you haven't. Every time I bring it up you change the subject."

He ran his hand through his hair "Aaliyah made a deal with her father to take Emmanuel back to the underworld."

I nodded my head "That's good, right?"

"Aaliyah has to go back with him"

I shook my head and looked over at Nyema "She just got one parent back she can't lose another." I said rubbing my chin.

"I know. I got destiny and Matthew raking through any spells that can fully unlink them, but we can't unlink one without unlinking all 3 of them"

"Did you ask Nashabo?"

"He's helping destiny look through it"

"What about the spell he did when he faked his death?"

"I asked him about that. Said it was a cover up spell"

"A cover up?"

"Like shoving all your dirty clothes under the bed."

"How long do we have?"

"3 days"

My eyes widened "What the fuck Daxon"

"I'm trying, Grey. I've been contacting Covens anywhere I can to figure this out, but as soon as I get somewhere with them they hear Emmanuels name and stop contact with me."

"Then maybe you should stop trying to contact them" I looked over and saw Aaliyah in the doorway with a tray of food. "The last thing we need is more covens being attacked and destroyed because of him." She set the tray down and walked over to us "Nyema is going to be safe and so is my grandbabies. That's all that matters right?" She smiled at us and patted our cheeks. "I trust you two to take care of them. It's going to be okay"

"Nyema won't-" I stopped talking when I saw Nyema wake up sniffing food. We all started laughing and she looked over at us.

"What are you guys doing?" She asked looking at us weirdly

"We are making a baby book today" Aaliyah said with a smile on her face. She walked over to the tray and pulled two books out. "One for you guys and one for me"

She started giggling "momma we can share"

"No I want my own book. Look at my grandbabies when I want too" she placed her hand on Nyemas stomach and gasped. "They're moving!"

Me and Daxon rushed over putting our hands on her stomach. They were moving a bunch and we all had these stupid grins on our face. It was the first time we had felt them move.

Aailyah looked like she was about to cry.

Nyema looked at the food and then at us "As sweet as this is, this feels really weird. And I'm hungry" She reached over grabbing the food and started eating.

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