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After learning my wonderful family history I started training trying to get my powers under control. My mother didn't know what my gift was since they always were erasing my fucking memories.

My father and I have been trying to get back to normal but I was beyond hurt. I understand he was trying to protect us but it still hurt.

Daxon's dad was an ass and didn't like me. I didn't care he can suck my dick. His mom was really sweet though.

Greyson's parents were wonderful and I see why Grey is the way he is. His mother has a very bad temper. She's still a wonderful woman. His da was very level headed and thought things out fully before coming to a decision, much like Greyson.

My mom had me practicing on Daxon and Greyson since they could handle it the most. I felt uncomfortable at first with it but they assured me it was okay.

My mom explained to me being a Succubus meant knowing sex. Being sex. Using it to your advantage. Smell it. Breathe it. Do it. Making people bend at your will because the flesh is weak and that's what makes us so strong.

Sex is a must no matter the circumstances. To repopulate. For pleasure. For money. For power. Sex is the center of it all.

"Look at him" my mom instructed me. My eyes traced over Daxon then I looked back at her "Now push that lust out to him and he'll do whatever you want" I tried and shook my head getting frustrated. She grabbed my face "Flesh is weak and that's where we come in at. Go ahead" she moved back

I ran my eyes over him pushing out my lust exactly as she told me. I watched his eyes go blank and I saw my mom nodding approvingly in the corner of my eye. "Shift"

My mom walked over to me quickly "You can't force him to shift Nyema-"

My eyes got wide seeing Masko. I smiled at him and went over hugging him. He placed kisses on my face and I hugged him tighter.

My mom calmed down grabbing my face "You could've killed him. You do not force shifts" she said visibly angry

"I'm sorry. You said anything. That's the first thing I thought of"

Masko ran inside the house and came out a few moments later in some sweatpants. Looking all sexy.

"I'm fine," he said to my mom. She looked at him and said something and they started a conversation. I just got up and left because I hated when they talked behind my eyes. Shit was frustrating.

I walked into the house bumping into my dad "Jupiter" I looked up at him and he looked down at me.

"Hi dad"

"Can we talk?" I nodded my head and we went to the backyard sitting in the garden. "I'm sorry for everything, I know that doesn't make up for-"

"It's okay dad. You were trying to protect us"

He nodded his head "I see you're getting a good grip on your Succubus powers. That's good" He said proudly

I nodded my head proudly "I sure am, hopefully soon we can start working on my magic" I said excitedly

He snapped his fingers and a white and purple light came up "You just have to feel it. It's still in you, it never leaves. It's just dormant"

I tried to relax like my mom always told me before we started training. 'It's natural. You're born with this. She always said to me.

A flash of a memory came to me and I flinch. We were in, Mexico? We were at a grocery store and I was stealing food and making a portal sending it home. Of course, my fat ass would do something like that.

My dad grabbed my face "What'd you see Jupiter?"

I grabbed his hand and focused trying to send the memory to him. I saw a smile appear on his face and I got excited.

"Did I do it?"

He nodded his head "Yes baby you did it"

I started jumping up and down and hugged him.

Since I had been training I felt myself getting stronger. My senses getting stronger. Everything was. I couldn't tell how I wasn't human and I wondered how I missed it.

Speaking of humans. I've only talked to Mia a handful of times in the past few weeks which wasn't like us. At all.

I wasn't allowed to go anywhere by myself with this Emmanuel man still out there. It was weird having 2 or 3 people with me at all times. Apparently, in packs, the Luna is very important. One pack warrior told me he didn't mind laying his life on the line for me. That was a bit much for me but Daxon and Greyson told me to get used to it.

I saw my mates walking up behind my dad and ran over to them. I jumped on Daxon then Greyson kissed my mark making me shudder.

I got down out of Daxon's arms and smiled up at him "I did something magical!" I said sounding like a child

They both started chuckling and I touched them transferring the memory over. Greyson started laughing and Daxon was shaking his head smiling.

"Who does that!" Greyson said wrapping his arm around me and kissing my head

"It's not that funny" I pouted still holding on to Daxon.

My dad came up "We can do some more if you want?"

"No, I need to go see Mia. I have seriously been neglecting my best friend's duties. I haven't talked to her in forever" I felt Daxon tense and Greyson straighten up "What's wrong? Is Mia okay?"

Greyson pulled my face towards him "A few pack warriors were found dead at the perimeter this morning"

I felt a dull pain go through me and Daxon rubbed my back and Greyson gave me a soft kiss. I didn't realize I was crying till Greyson wiped some tears away from my face "why am I feeling like this?"

"It's the pack link," Greyson said looking at me and then pulling me to him, holding me.

"Let's run you a bath" I heard Daxon's voice and put my head in his neck and nodded.

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