~ Harry Styles

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In a call center company building...

You are working as a call center agent, you are already professional about it and in every day, and night you help people to their problems on bank, houses, lives and many more. But there is always bothering you every night, a guy who keeps on calling you because of his problem was about his ex-girlfriend and hard to move on.

One night he called you again... 

"Hello?" He starts talking 

"Oh Hello sir... Good evening! How may I help you?" you replied 

"I'm sorry about it... I always tell you this about my ex-girlfriend... I-i just can't move on after  broke up with and I don't know why? I think it was 3 days after she broke up with me? I think so? maybe today she is happy now on what she's doing today... or I guess it's about our careers" he said sobbing 

"Oh... so simple sir? You just need to be serious on your career sir? So you can also move on and slowly forget about her" you said straight 

"What if I can't? I want to be with her again... I Love her so much... and I misses everything about her... her smile... her hair... everything about her..." he said 

"Ok then? hmmm... Have you ever talked to her?" you said 

"Yes!" he said 

"Oh I see... Since when?" you asked just to comfort him

"Uhmmm... Every night... Well?.. Can I ask you something personal?" he said 

"Ok sir? Go on sir..." you said 

"Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked 

"Y-yes sir?.. oh... I mean ex sir... I broke up with him because he already forgot that she has a girlfriend because of his busy career... *exhale* I also understand his part as a famous singer but there's nothing I can change it to be with him again... I'm just an ordinary girl, so that's why I broke up with him and focus on my work... and help other people with their problems like you sir..." you said

"That's deep girl... Did you ever gave him a chance to explain why?" he asked 

"*silence* N-no sir..." you said and a bit shock 

"Ok then... maybe it is my turn to share about something..." he said 

"Go then sir... It's my pleasure..." you said 

"I was also a singer and I have a group band... We always go on tour because that's what they said... I have a girlfriend and I never forget my girlfriend who's at home waiting for me to come home, and I fast asleep because of the tiring days that's why I never got a chance to call her... After then I went home, I saw my girlfriend standing by the door, and I was happy 'coz she's really waiting for me to come home, and when I approached her, I gave her a hug and kisses, but that day she smiled and started crying... I tried to comfort him but she told me that she wanted to broke up with me... I tried to stop her but she left... I was so disappointed because of myself, I blame everything including my career. But I still never forget about her..." he said sadly 

A tear drop fell from your eye and wanted to cut the line... but he continued and wants to say something...

"Are you still in there? I'm not done yet sharing my part..." he said

you wipe your tears and replied "Go on sir... Yes I'm still here... S-still here..."

"Ok... That day she left me... I still never forget about her because I was about to tell her something important... I tried to contact her or call her but she's out of reach and not replying my messages until I got the opportunity... and was able to talk to her... and this time..." he said and stops

"Go on sir... I'm still here... So then sir? What was the important thing that you need to tell her?" you said and keeps on crying

"*takes a deep breath* Ok... Here I go... I know YOU already, I tried to asked everyone where I supposed to see or reach you... until someone gave me this company number and luckily it's you who answer this call... and yeah... I know we are done already but when you broke up with me I never think that our relationship was ended because there's something we need to fix and that's time!.. And now I got the opportunity to tell YOU this that I really LOVE YOU, and I full blast my effort to these... will you spare your time just to look at the window?" he said 

"What?!" you said and took off your headphone and started to stand up and starts walking towards the window, and look over it and saw Harry standing there with a huge crowd looking up at you with balloons, and a bunch of flowers, and he shouts "(y/n)! I know this is stupid but Will you marry me? I know it's my fault but I don't blame you for breaking up with me... but this time give me another chance... I can't promise you about my career but I'll try just for you Love."

"Uhmm..." you were just looking at him and look around you and everyone's watching including your workmates "Oh my..." you said... "You know what?!" 

"what?" he said

"I love you! but you are stupid!" you said

"So what's your answer? (y/f/n?)? Will... you... marry... me?.." he said and you started crying by the window...

"Go now" said your supervisor

"Ma'am?" as you stop

"Ha ha ha... I said go... Go down and meet your soon to be husband..." she said and your workmates were cheering for you... 

You run fast and take the stairs to see Harry... and when you're out of the building... you hug him so tightly and said "I'm sorry?!. I don't know that... I thought you forget me already because of your singing career?... I'm the stupid one not you..." you whispered and cried 

"How can I forget the girl, who always gives me the inspiration, and motivates me to sing in front of too many people..." he said and slowly kneel down and proposed again "(y/f/n)? Will you be my Mrs. Styles?" he said and smiled 

"YES!" You said and hug him again



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