"Three Carrots Please..."

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"STELLA stands for YOU. You'll be rolling the role of Stella... Enjoy."

You were living right now at your Grandparents farm because your parents are separated. Since you were at the farm they taught you all about farming until you adopt the farming skills and took good care all of the vegetables, fruits and animals were there and it's your duty to sell it all on the market.

One day,

"Excuse me miss? May ask if your carrots are still fresh?" asked by a man who's wearing a shades and a hoody jacket "Ahm.. yes sir... it's still fresh..." you replied and you stun when he smiled at you so nicely "May I have 3 please?" he said "Ah... yes sir" as you chinned down and slowly gave him the carrots and he touch your hand "Oh... Sorry..." he said "It's ok sir... Come back again..." you said and he smiled at you and took off his shades a little bit and winked at you and left "That was different?" you said.

Next Day,

You were preparing your stall and arrange all your goods and someone was calling you "Excuse me lady?" said the little boy who was carrying a flower of Daisy "Huh? Yes?" you said and approached the little boy "For you ma'am..." he said "Oh thank you... How thoughtful it is..." you said and smell it "It was from the guy who's over there?" he was pointing at the guy who bought you 3 pieces of carrots yesterday "Oh... really... Ok... Thank you for that" as you tapped the little boys head and left you and the guy was waving at you and pointing at the nearest coffee shop and he went there.

After selling all the goods you have,

You forgot that the guy earlier was telling you to go at the coffee shop "Damn? I forgot? Maybe he's still there? Poor one..." you said and run inside of the coffee shop and he was not there.

Walking home while carrying a basket,

"Psst..." someone's calling you and you stop and looked around and continue your walk "Psst... Hey miss?" called you once again and you stop and got nervous "Who's there?!" you said and you've heard a noise from the bushes and jump out of it "Hi!" said the guy with his shades on again and hoody jacket "Oh it's just you..." you said and he took off his shades and the hood "Hi... Where you going?" he asked "Oh... home... 'coz it's getting late now and my Grandparents are waiting for me..." you said "Oh... Ok... I'll escort you home? And it's getting dark, it's not good for a lady who'll walk alone at this time" he said and smiled at you "*chinned down* ok... Thank you for your kindness" you said and the both of you walked home.

"So what's your name?" he asked "Huh? I-I'm Stella" you said and swing your basket and he looked at it "I'll carry that for you..." he said "Huh? Thank you?" you said "Stella huh? What a lovely name... So how long have you been selling at that market?" he asked "Huh?.. I started last year... Wait a minute? Do you live in the city?" you asked "*nod* yes love..." he said "Love? A city boy..." you said "Oh yeah... sorry for not telling my name earlier I'm Louis... Louis Tomlinson... you can call me Lou... for short or Tommo... or Louis..." he said "Louis... Lou... nice to meet you" you said and until the both of you reached the farm "Where here?" you said "Wow! Nice place eh?" he said and walked straight to your house "Huh? Hey wait? You're not yet going home?" you said "Huh? Nope... Maybe I'll spend my time here for a moment and tell my friends to catch me up here." He said.

You Grandfather was standing outside and waiting for you "Stella? Is that you?" he said "Yes, Papa! It's me" you run to him and hugged him "Who's this fellow over here?" he asked "Good evening sir... I'm Louis William Tomlinson... and a friend of your Granddaughter here?" Louis said "Oh! Hi... come on in..." said your Grandfather and told his wife.

Louis stayed for hours and your Grandparents was very happy to meet Louis of being talkative and after that you were sitting outside of your house and Louis went out to see you "Hi Love..." he said "Oh hi Lou..." you said "By the way I've called my friends to come over here to fetch me up 'coz I left my car at the parking lot somewhere?" he said "Silly..." you laughed "*inhale & exhale* How nice to feel free and ordinary!" he said "Why?" you asked "Huh? Nothing... This is a nice place to spend time for relaxing... with the Trees? Farm? Animals? And you..." he said "*looked at him* by the way Thanks for the flower that you gave me this earlier and for the cute little boy..." you said "Nah? Don't mention it..." he said.

*beep beep* a car approaching...

"Friends?!" said Louis and approached them and there came out Niall, Harry, Zayn and Liam "Hey! Let's go now? Because we still have practice for tomorrow" said Liam "Oh yeah... right... Wait.. but first I would like you to meet Stella, my f-friend... I've met her yesterday at the market... *whisper* she sell really good and fresh carrots" he said and Niall laughed so loud "Ok lady... thanks for the time you've spent with him" said Harry "No problem... well take care boys..." you said "Oh wait... Hope you can go here..." Louis gave you a ticket "One Direction Concert? You sure? What's this?" you asked and saw them leaving already "I'll meet you there!" Louis came out of the window's car screaming.

*night ends*

Next morning,

"Stella? You have a special delivery from Louis your friend..." said your Grandfather "Really?" and you open it "A dress?" you said and looked at the letter he left,

"I'll meet you here at the City and on the said venue of the concert... I'll do the same like you've done to me there on your farm... but more on surprising this time... carrots!"


"Oh! Yeah... Ma? Pa? I'll be going at the City today and Louis gave me a ticket and want me to attend this concert?" you said "Well go for it Dear... Don't miss the chance" said your Grandfather "Ok... Thanks Papa!" you hugged him and your Grandmother too.

At the city,

"Woahw? It's very different from our place... bigger structures and lots of crowd people" you said and holding your hair and already there at the said venue "Ma'am, sit here please" said the organizer "Wow! Thank you... Front seat..." you said "This was from Louis Tomlinson... as he ordered me" she said "Oh nice... by the way where is he?" you asked and the program started already and she just point at the stage and saw Louis there waving and singing with his band mates "Louis?" you said and all of their fans were screaming out loud "ONE DIRECTION! We LOVE you!" they said "So... they're the One Direction... Silly boy" you said... and after their concert Louis came down of the stage and went to you "Stella?! You've made it!" he said and hugged you "Well... I got this!" you said showing him the dressed he gave you "You look perfect!" he said and kissed you on your lips "Lou?" you said "Maybe we should talked about this?" he said and pulled you to a restaurant... and there he confessed that 'Love at first touch' until you two became very good friends.

Soon you also fell in love to Louis until you and Louis are on a relationship.

And in the end you two got married... and Live a Happily Ever After.


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