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#Imagine: You and Zayn Malik were secretly dating for a long time. One day you and Zayn took a date and there was paparazzi following you, Zayn notice the paparazzi and caught him taking some picture of you with him and he scolded the paparazzi and let it delete the photos. After a couple of weeks, rumours were spreading all over the news and social Medias that Zayn Malik was dating someone else. You got very jealous and Zayn went home and you told him about the news that you've read "It's not true!" said Zayn to you but you do not believe him "I promise, those are not true! Believe me babe? Please!" said Zayn but you still not forgive him and you went upstairs and cried to your room.

Zayn followed you and enter your room "Hey? Ok I'm sorry..." he said and hug you and he pull his phone, typing something and you saw what he did and you got even madder and throw him a pillow "What the?" he said "What's that?! You texting your so called someone else?" you scolded him "Huh? Wait babe! Look!" he said and let you read what he was typing "I tweeted it..." he said and you read it 'For those who've read the news it's true! I'm dating someone else" his first status "I knew it!" you said "Wait? There's more!" he said and he showed it to you "It's Nishalya Naidoo. Her and I were dating for so long and I really love her" his second tweet, "No one can even come closer to her... She's very beautiful and she's the only one I love!" his third tweet, "I hope she'll forgive me right now because she's the missing piece in my life" his last tweet. You looked at him slowly and gave him the phone "You believe me now?" he said and he hugs you tightly "I'm sorry" you said "It's ok... I love you!" he said. *end*

~One Direction ft. Zayn Malik Imagines~[Collections]Where stories live. Discover now