"Draw and Guess"

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#Imagine: Zayn and you were spending your anniversary on a relationship. You stayed at his house and the both of you cooked for your supper and when the time has come the both of you got bored and don't know what to do. You thought about playing indoor games "Hey? Do you wanna play?" you asked him "a Play?" he asked you back "Hmm... Something fun!" you said and he smiled sarcastically "Do you mean?" he said and you pushed him "No I don't like having sex with you! LOL! Stop thinking about it! Hahaha! Charades! Drawsome?" you said "Was that the guessing game on something like things, places, people and etc?" he said "Yes!" and you run to get for a paper and marker.

"I think I should go first..." You went go first and the words to be guest was 'I Love You' and you draw it on the paper but Zayn can't guest it "*giggles* What is that?" he said "Oh come on! The word was 'I Love You!' hmmm" you said "Well I love you too!" he kissed you on your cheek "My turn!" Zayn's turn and the word to be guest is 'Wedding' and when he started to draw a bride "Wow! Such a good artist Babe!" you said and he winked at you and continue his drawing he drew a beautiful place and there was a crowd and a big cake and he drew hiself there too "What's that?" you said and he smiled at you and pointed at your back and you looked there "What is it?" and when you turn back Zayn was kneeling and holding a engagement ring "Babe! Of course it's a Wedding!" he said and you saw there he write 'Will you marry me?' and he's smiling at your very sweetly and you kissed him and said "YES!" 


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