"Love Warning" with Zayn Malik

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At the school, basketball court...

"Hey! Stop it!" you said "Please put my bag down?!" you continue "Who the hell cares?! We don't like girls like you!" said the guy who is bullying you and spreading your papers everywhere "Leh me see what's inside?!!" said the other guy and pass your bag to him "Please! STOP! I didn't do anything, why are you like that?!" you said and trying reaching your bag from him. "HEY!" the guy who just arrive then everyone becomes quiet, and looked at him as he approached you, and the faster he grab your bag, and slowly return it to you. You were surprised on what he did, and was just looking at him in the eyes as he lending you your bag, BUT before you were able to get your bag he turned your bag upside down, and all your things were thrown on the floor and messed up and throw your bag to you "What the?" you whispered and the boys were laughing out loud. "Great one Zayn!" they said as they continue laughing, so Zayn was the name of the guy and he is one of the bad boys who were bullying you. "You're so STUPID!" you said to him and push him away from you and you picked up you things back to your bag but he just there standing in front of you looking at you picking up your things and they left and still laughing. You stand up and said "So ZAYN is your name! That bastard!".

That night,"So he is a part of the group named ""WARNING!"" geez! So disgusting?! What a name?!" you said while searching on facebook "Their group were very famous in our school?? In BULLYING?! The principal should do something for this?!" you sai...

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That night,
"So he is a part of the group named ""WARNING!"" geez! So disgusting?! What a name?!" you said while searching on facebook "Their group were very famous in our school?? In BULLYING?! The principal should do something for this?!" you said and keeps on murmuring.

Next day,
While walking on the street side, you saw them walking at the same isle "Freaky?! Not now?!" you said and you stop walking for a while and thinking maybe they'll do something to and put yourself on guard, BUT they just pass by at you and Zayn notice you and he smiled "Seriously?!" you whispered. And continue your walking and pass by at a wall with a lot of your pictures that has the saying "WARNING", "What is the meaning of these?!" you said and the faster you remove it to the wall and on the other side Zayn and his group were laughing "Damn it!" you said "Urgh! You're really gonna pay for this ZAYN!" you said and walk straight to your school.

The students also were not respecting you, when you arrive they started pushing you away "What the heck?!" you said, they bumped you "Aww! Watch it?!" you said, and someone put his foot in front of you and were able to fall BUT Zayn (still with his group) catches you "Ooofff!" you said and slowly looking up and saw Zayn closely *in your head* "Those eyes?! Again?!" as you recall on the day you first met him. "Erhm..." he said "huh?!" you said and you push him away and run. Zayn looked at you until you vanished.
"I really hate this... Why are they like this to me?!" you said and looking for your bicycle and when you saw it... You're bicycle tires were gone and have a sticker on it saying "WARNING" and you picked it up and you crumpled it and look for them.

The same place the day that you met them at the Basketball court,
And approached them angrily and throw the part your bicycle in front of them, they were surprised on what you did and throw the thing that you crumpled in Zayn's head and walked out. "How could you?!" said the guy BUT Zayn was able to stop him "No..." he said, "But Zayn?! Did you what she did to you?!" the guy said "Yes, but not this time" as he looked at you until you vanished.

Next day, At the canteen,You were eating there and Zayn (alone) approaches you and drag the chair to sit beside you BUT he scared the other student away and you tried to avoid him and continue eating

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Next day,
At the canteen,
You were eating there and Zayn (alone) approaches you and drag the chair to sit beside you BUT he scared the other student away and you tried to avoid him and continue eating. "Hi" he said but you ignored him, you were trying to reach the ketchup besides him and his the one who reach it for you and pour it on your meal gently and he was staring at you and when you caught him staring at you he looked on the other way. When his group was able to find Zayn "What do we have here?!" the guy said and took you soda away "Hey!" you said and Zayn stood up and pour all the ketchup in your meal and push it away from you and started leaving "Gosh?!" you whispered while leaving Zayn was behind and looked at you. "What is he doing?" you said.

While walking home,
Zayn park your bike in front of you "My bike is back!" you smiled and looked at him and gave it to you "Sorry" he said and you ride on your bike and leave BUT he pulled it back to him "Geez?!" you said and looked at him so madly "Can I have a lift?" he said and he went to the back of your bicycle and sit and you started to drive... "So?" he said "hmm?" you replied "What's your name?" he asked "Uhmm... Why you'd ask?" you said "Just making friends with you" Zayn said "How can you not know my name? You've found my picture and spread it?!" you said "*luaghs* That's my friends-..." he stops when he saw his friends playing and jump out of the bike "huh?" you stop also "Meet me later night! In my house?! I'm inviting you to my party... Everyone's invited maybe you should come to. I'll be expecting you to come there.. I-It's just a simple party... Ok? See you later... Meet you there... PROMISE?! b-bye" as he said to you while leaving "Why is he good to me?" you said.

Later on... at Zayn's party. You need to come because Zayn is expecting you...
"Hey pretty..." said the boy to you "Geez... This creeping me out, what kind of a party is this?" you were looking for Zayn "excuse me? Where can I find Zayn?" you've asked "Oh?! He's at the pool side" the waitress said. Meanwhile, Zayn's was with his friends when he notice that you were coming and he stand up "What's wrong Zayn?" the guy said "She's here" he said "Who?" the guy said and look and it was you "She's here?! Great!", "H-hey?!" Zayn said to you and you just stand up near at the pool and he approached you closely "What are you doing man? Push her on the pool? Come on!" the guy said "Yeah push her on the pool!" the other guy said "Push her?! Push her!" everyone's chanting. Zayn smiled and looks at your eyes and walking closely to you but you walk backwards in every time Zayn walks to you and you were close at the pool and later on "Aaah!" you shout when you were about to fall on the pool BUT Zayn was able to hold your hand "Aw! Come on man?! Let go!" the guy said and everyone started to copy him "Let go! Let go!" Zayn was trying to pull you back "Hang on?!" he said BUT you just smiled at him "Thanks!" you said and you let go of him and you fell on the pull! Everyone was celebrating on your fall, BUT "She's drowning somebody do something!" the girl shouts "SOMIA!" Zayn screams and jump on the pool "Zayn stop! You don't know how to swim!" his friend said but it's too late because Zayn already jump to save you when Zayn was catching for his breath "Damn it! I can't swim!" he shouts, and noticed that the water in the pool was 3 feet low and he looked at you slowly who's standing next to him and laughing "You creep me out!" he said to you "You don't know how to swim? Huh?!!" you said "Pfff! Ha ha ha" he laughs "What are you waiting for! Jump on now?! The water's waiting for you!" He's inviting everyone to swim together. He hold your hand and pull closer to him "Next time don't do that again?!" he whispered to your ear and the both you laugh.

Next morning, While walking on the isle, you saw him again with his group and you stop "I hope they're not gonna touch me" but they stop in front of you and he sticks something on your chest and they left (While Zayn's smiling) and you remove it a...

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Next morning,
While walking on the isle, you saw him again with his group and you stop "I hope they're not gonna touch me" but they stop in front of you and he sticks something on your chest and they left (While Zayn's smiling) and you remove it and read "LOVE WARNING" as you look at him and he's waiting for you and winks at you.

The end.

~One Direction ft. Zayn Malik Imagines~[Collections]Where stories live. Discover now