"Get well"

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#Imagine: You were confined 3 days at the hospital and Harry wasn't there. He can't visit you on the hospital because he can't find time to leave the concert. One time he called you to ask if you are ok:

Harry: How are you there?

You: I'm fine harry...

Harry: You sure? Are they taking GOOD care of you? Have you already took your medicine? Have you sleep well?

You: Relax love! Thanks for you concern... yeah I'm fine (you smiled)

Harry: I'm sorry I can't visit you there... It's been days already since you were there confined at the hospital...

You: It's ok love... I'm still fine and kicking ha ha ha

Harry: I'm serious here about your condition...

You: Oh sorry... why so serious love? I miss you...

Harry: I really miss you too! I just can't sleep here properly because my mind was on you...

You: Aww so sweet... Don't worry love the Doctor said that maybe tomorrow I can go out already...

Harry: Well that's a good news! But still I haven't visit my baby!

You: So cute! I'm fine love... Ok I think I have to let go now the call...

Harry: Oh? Ok baby! I Love you! Take care there!

You: I will baby! I Love you too.. kiss! Mwah!

*end of the call*

Next Day,

The nurse just assist you to your house "Thank you ma'am" you said to the nurse "Sure ma'am no problem" she said and left. When you started to open the door and enter slowly you saw you floor filled with Rose petals and it has a track and you followed it and when you followed it you saw balloons on the ceiling and a tarpaulin hanging with the saying "Welcome home baby!" you smiled "Maybe harry sent these lovely stuffs!", "Actually?" a voice behind you and turned around "I prepared this all for you! To make you more feel better when you arrive home!" He said while holding a bouquet of Pink Roses "Huh?! Harry!" as you hugged him so tightly "You home!" you said "Of course for you my baby! I love you!" he said "I Love you too!" you said and he carries you. *end*

~One Direction ft. Zayn Malik Imagines~[Collections]Where stories live. Discover now