"The FANfiction"

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#Imagine: Niall was surfing the net and after that he began to laugh and laugh. "What's wrong hon?" you asked "Nothing?! Never mind me?! Hahahaha" as he tried to stop his laugh "Tell me what is it?" you asked and who looked at you slowly and pointed at the monitor "I was searching on something but then I saw this 'Niall Horan fanfiction' and I read it!" he smiled.

You were shamed on what he sees and bowed your head down and Niall stop laughing "Oh? What's wrong hon?" he asked you "Nothing?" you said "What? There's no nothing to me? Tell me?" he said "I feel ashamed on what you were doing... and reading my funny fanfics..." you said "Oh come on? What's wrong about it? They're good!" Niall trying to cheer you up "Shut up! It's not!" you said and crossed your arms and walked away from him and Niall left the desktop and followed you. Niall is behind you trying to talk to you but you never face him.

All he did was slide his arms through your waste and hug you and cuddle you and kiss you on your chick and said "Don't be shy hon, it's cute and sweet. One day?" he said and let you face him "It'll became real" he smiled at you sweetly and you smiled back at him and you both hug each other "Come on now.. Come and join me read your beautiful fanfic... and oh if you have other fanfic let me read it too" he said while holding your hand and going back to the desktop. *end*

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