"Please... Don't"

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#Imagine: You are with Niall Horan together with his band the One Direction. On the big screen the boys were flash and an interviewer saw you with Niall very sweetly and he rapidly approached the two of you and shook your hands and followed by the other lads. "Hello Directioners?" he said "Hello" they all said "Hello also to you young lady?" he smiled at you "Oh hi?" you waved at him but Niall pulled you near him and put his arm on your shoulders and they all laugh "I don't have a plan to Steal your girl Mr. Horan?" he said and apologized "Hmm... *cough* Jealous!" said Harry "Over protective?!" Louis said "He always keeps an eye each one of us?" said Liam "No it's not that?" said Niall "Baby, I'm fine" you said and the crowd started to tease "Yieee.... Sweet couple!" they said.

*claps* "Oh by the way I'm here to ask an interview to Mr. Horan if it's ok to you lads?" he said kindly "Oh sure no problem with our boy here" they said "May I excuse him first lady?" he said to you "Oh sure..." you said and he started to ask Niall "It seems you and your girl are too very sweet to each other... I just want to asks, WHY DO YOU LOVE HER SO MUCH?" he ask then Liam covers Nialls mouth when he's about to talk "Mr. Payne? Any problem?" he ask "Nope. Don't get him started on that kind of topic because once he starts talking about his love life especially Taycha? He'll never stop talking" said Liam "Unless you'll gave him a food or let her stop Niall in his talking" said Louis smiling "Or maybe he'll not finish talking after this set will be fixed and ready to go?" said Harry "Oh boys you stop... Niall's a nice guy..." you said and take off Liams hands to Nialls mouth "right baby?" you said to Niall "Of course... All I can say is SHE'S MY EVERYTHING!" as he started to walk away with you and the lads followed him. *end*


~One Direction ft. Zayn Malik Imagines~[Collections]Where stories live. Discover now