~ Niall Horan

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You and Niall were dating at the park celebrates your 3rd monthsary, while walking you saw a kid who was crying at the sideof a lamp post, you approach the kid, sit next to him and ask “Hello there little fella? Why are you crying?” then the kid looked at you “*sniff-sniff* I can’t find my mom... I was lost...” the kid said “Oh... you poor one... Ok then... Me, and your uncle Niall will help you here to find your mom?” you said “Uncle?” Niall reacts and you slap his tummy “Shh... It’s a kid babe...” you said “B-but? How’s our date?” Niall asked “Later after we help this kid to find his mom...” you said while holding the kids hand.

After 3 hours of looking for his mom, can’t still find the kids mother, you and the kid was still walking while holding his hand and Niall was after the both of you and looking at the kid “OK! Little kid? Where’s your mother?” Niall asked “I don’t know Uncle Niall...” kid said “Oh man? Ahmm.. What your mother looks like?” he asked “Ahmm... *Looks at you* She’s... She’s...” kid said “Ok stop it Babe! Your making him scared...” you said “B-but?!” Niall said and sit like a kid and copied the boy how to cry “Babe?!” you said “Uwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!” Niall cried “Babe! What are you doing?” you asked but he turn his back to you “NIALL JAMES HORAN! What are you doing?!” you said then Niall stop playing around and stood up “I was just copying the little kid...” pointing at the kid and swing his foot “your jealous uncle Niall?” the kid said “No I’m not! Bleh!” cross his arm “OK! Stop the both of you, let’s go find your mom.” And holds Nialls hand and he’s happy now “Now it’s fair already... Ha ha ha!” he said and you just rolled your eyes “*sighs* C’mon now babe! It’s just a kid” and swing your hands so happily.



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