"The Proposal"

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Zayn invited you tonight for a romantic dinner, he said the he'll be waiting for you there where was your favorite place. You took a bath and get your dress on and went on the said venue. When you reached the entrance, the light posts were off and no one was around but only the candle was guiding you and giving you the light and follow it where it will lead you. As you step on the bridge the lights were on and there you saw Zayn standing in front of you holding a bouquet of flowers and you were surprised "You scared me?" you said "What?? I made this very special then why you scared?" he asked "ha ha ha! Try to walk on the dark and only the candle were the only lights and lead me here" you said and smiled "Ha ha ha! Sorry for not telling you... It was a surprise! Did you like it?" he asked "No." you said "oh? Ok?" he said sadly "I love it!" you said smiling "Wow! ok here's for you my beloved girl!" as he gives you the flowers "Thank you!" you kiss him on his cheek. Then he holds your hand and let you sit "Ooo... What do we have here?" you said "Obviously a candle light date?" said Zayn was smiling "Ok.." you winked.

After the dinner,

"Ahmm... we've been dating for almost 5 years..." Zayn said as he plays his spoon and you looked at him "Yeah... why?" you said "Well... I'm just asking... and still were on!" he said "Yuh! I'm happy 'coz we're still together..." you said "Well I want it to become FOREVER" as he looked at you seriously and you look at him too "What do you mean" you said as he stand in his sit and approached you "(y/n)? I was thinking of this for nights, and I don't know what will be the result" he said and put his hands on his pockets looks like he's grabbing on something and you just look at him and remain in silence.

After the Silence,

You stand and hug him "I Love you Zayn" you said and he holds you hand and turned around "I Love you too (y/n)" and he slowly kneel down and you were shocked "What are you doing? Stand up Zayn?" you said "No? This is also part of my plans" and pull out the Ring and said "(y/w/n)? can you be my Mrs. Malik?" he said and showed you the ring and you cried for joy "Will you marry me?" he asked you and you nod slowly and answer him "YES! Zayn! Yes!" and he stand up and he let him wears you the ring and the boys came out and shout "CONGRATULATIONS!" they said "You're all here?" you said "Yep... We were just hiding behind the bushes" said Harry "It's also a part of my plans (y/n)" said Zayn "Now Kiss!" said Louis and the both of you kiss and soon got married.

~One Direction ft. Zayn Malik Imagines~[Collections]Where stories live. Discover now