"Who said I'm not?" (A Father Story)

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You and Louis were already married for three years, and had a son named Tommy and since Louis was busy on his career your neighbours keep on telling you that Louis was not a good father to your son because he didn't even have a time with his family especially to your son Tommy.

Once morning...

It was Louis rest day "daddy?" said Tommy "Yes?" he said "On Saturday... It'll be our family day... Wish you could go..." said Tommy "Oh my?.. I'll be not around on Saturday Tom... because daddy will have lots of works to do..." he said and hold Tommy's head and rub "It's ok daddy... I just told you so... at least you'll know what's happening to our school..." he said "Don't worry son... If I'm free sometimes, I'll give you everything what you want..." he said "My friend told me that you're not a good example of a father... Is that true?" he asked "*surprised* Oh no son... just never mind your friend on what are they saying about me... It's not true..." Louis said and Tommy hugged him "I know it daddy... I understand you..." he said "Ok now.. it's getting late now son... it's time to go to sleep.." Louis said "Ok daddy..." said Tommy and went to his room and Louis checked on him "Good night son?" he said "Good night Daddy!" and stand to kiss him on his cheek and went back to bed and Louis turn off the light and closed the door.

At your bedroom,

Louis came in and closed the door and you were sitting on the bed reading a book "Hi Love... Is everything ok? It seems you're not? Are you sick?" you asked him and hold his forehead "No Love... *put his arm to your shoulders* Why is it everyone's telling me that I'm not a good dad to Tommy..." he said "Oh... never mind them... maybe they're just jealous of us because your one of the most BEST BOY BANDs in the world and they are not..." you said "I'm ok to that... but my concerned was our son because he's the one who's affected in to this kind of Shit..." he said "You know what?" you said "What?" he replied "Well... prove them that they're all wrong that you're not a good father... Show them that you're a very good dad than them!" you said and Louis smiled and kissed you on your forehead "Thank you for always cheering me up Love! I'm so lucky that I marry you!" he said "Well... I'm your wife, and I'm the one should assist my husband on everything" you said "Awe... I Love you (y/n)?!" he said and kissed you on your lips "Love you to Love!" you replied and together fell asleep.

It's Saturday and on Tommy's school it was their 'Family Day'

"Poor Tommy... his father can't be around because he rather choose his career than his son's family day" the other family talks to another family and Tommy was just looking at them "Never mind them son!" you said "Is it true that daddy rather choose his career life than us?" he asked "No baby?! It's not true! Your daddy loves you more than his career that's why he works very hard for us, especially for you" you told him and hugged him and the program was about to start and everybody starts to sit on the bleachers "Ok! Everyone sit back and relax... and first of all I would like to thank all the family who were here today... *claps* ok let's start now the family day. Ladies and Gentleman! We have special guests in our Family day... Let us welcome the One Direction!" said the MC and everyone starts to shout and scream and they sing on stage 'Through the Dark' and followed by 'Story of my Life' and Louis waved to his son "look mommy it's daddy singing on stage!" said Tommy and jumping for joy and they exit on stage and went to you "Hi Son! Daddy's here?!" said Louis "yay! I'm glad that you're here daddy!" Tommy hugged Louis "Awe... how cute Lou!" said Liam "Yeah... you're father here invited us to come here in your family day!" said Harry "and it only means that this will be the best Family day EVER!" said Zayn "Since your father was like our brother already and a good man! He'll do anything for you buddy..." said Niall "See son... Daddy is not a bad father..." Louis said "I know it daddy!" Tommy said and you came down on the bleachers "You surprised us all!" you said "(y/n)!" said the boys and hugged you and kissed Louis "Of course for my family! I'll do anything for them to make them happy... Especially Tommy" said Louis and all the fun and games have enjoyed and in the end "Daddy? Remember you've told me that you'll going to give me anything what I want?" Tommy asked Louis "Yes? What would it be?" he said "All I want is just you daddy... It's enough already for having a very good father for me! You're already my gift!" Tommy kissed Louis's cheeks and Louis had a tear drop "Daddy don't cry?" said Tommy "No I'm not crying son... I'm happy... It was just this dust on my eye.. he he he" he said and carry his son and put his arm in to your waist "Come on now boys... let's celebrate!" he said and the boys followed Louis and left the school.

"Wait a minute? But you said that you're busy today? How come?" you whispered on Louis ear "Well, my other brothers from another family had a feeling when I came... and then I told them... and we proceed here..." said Louis.

~One Direction ft. Zayn Malik Imagines~[Collections]Where stories live. Discover now