1》Just A Variable

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Fallon is played by
Anna Sophia Robb

"Fallon, Doctor Paige wants to speak with you." One of the doctors says, her voice being transmitted through the speakers, which are placed in the corners of my room.

I hardly have any human contact.

My bedroom isn't really a bedroom. But it's all I have.
It's got cameras in the white tiled walls, watching my every move.
There's a single bed, placed in the middle of the square room, and an empty desk with a small lamp- which shines a bright white light.

One of the walls is made of glass, looking out into a long white corridor, people in white suits are constantly walking past, but none of them dare to look at me.

Bringing myself to my feet, I neaten my uniform- a black t-shirt with 'Property of Wicked' on the front, in bold white letters and black jeans.

I'm not allowed anything of my own, I have no personal items.
Wicked don't allow it.
They know I could easily kill a dozen with my bare hands.

That's why I'm kept like a prisoner.

Soon a loud alarm is buzzing, red lights flash above the metal door.
That's just the alarm that goes off whenever it's unlocked.
You see, I'm dangerous.

Two armed guards, stood stationary in the doorway.
I calmly walked towards them, I'd learnt not to struggle.

I don't mind it here. I'm completely alone, but Doctor Paige says I'm important, that I'm special.

As soon as I was in reach of them, they swiftly linked their arms with mine, showing no sign of emoticon.
They escorted me all the way down the long corridor, till we reach a set of double doors.

In the next corridor, to my left there is a glass viewing box, where several people are stood.
They're watching a boy, maybe 14 years old.
He's yelling at them through the glass, slamming the wall with his fist "Where are they!" He screamed, tears in his eyes.

My heart pangs.
The memories of my friends all come flooding back.
I miss them so much.

I must stay strong.
I'm not that person anymore.

I'm taken into Doctor Paige's office, where she's sat at her desk, looking at a screen.

"Ah, there's my favourite subject!" She beamed.
"You two can go now, and next time would you cut the girl some slack? She's ever so important!" Doctor Paige huffed, dismissing the guards.

Turning her attention back to me, I took a seat.
"Now, Fallon. As you know, you're training is complete, you're going to the Maze Trials tomorrow." She placed her hands on her desk, smiling.

"The maze trials?" I ask.
"Yes, all will be explained, I still need to give you your objective. However, firstly please follow me." She picked up a black folder from her desk and lead me out her office.

Following Doctor Paige, we walked across the corridor to the viewing box, where the boy was.
"This is, Haiden. He'll be sent to Group B's Maze Trial, when he's eventually trained." She sighed.
"I'd like you to go and introduce yourself, tell him it's going to be okay, he won't listen to us."

"What's going to happen to him?" I ask, sympathy in my voice.
Luckily, Doctor Paige doesn't notice my other side taking over.
The other side, that I hide from her.

"He's going to be like you. We've just taken away the last of the girls. He's going to train for a year or so, and become a skilled soldier." Doctor Paige, squinted, staring at the boy; who was now huddled in the corner, hugging his knees.

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