3》Who Am I?

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/ 2 weeks later/

I've already tried out for all the jobs available in the glade.
None have really appealed to me, except the idea of being a runner.
But Newt won't let me try out for it, despite Minho's protests.

I have quite a few mutual friends- I prefer to keep to myself, however. Only speaking when spoken to, never looking people in the eyes for too long, however all this still doesn't stop Minho from trying to talk to me. But I don't mind it, he's sweet.

Getting up from my bed, I brush down my top, and attempt to neaten up my hair, before leaving my room.
Outside the homestead I see Newt, Alby and Minho talking, their expressions vivid.

I jog over to them, smiling shyly.
"What's up?" I ask, glancing at them all.
"Minho wants you to be a runner." Newt folds his arms.
"So can I?" I beg, flashing a smile at Minho.
"Yeah-" Alby sighs, "Just show her the basics, Minho, come back early.".
"And come back with Fallon, or don't bloody bother coming back at all, shank." Newt points at Minho, glaring a little.

An hour or so later, I'm already for my first run.
"Let's go!" Minho said, his voice filled with sarcastic enthusiasm.

Newt stands with Thomas and Chuck in the distance, looking at me like I've betrayed him somehow- but I just try to forget about him and focus on the run.

We run solidly for about 2 hours, as I constantly keep pace with Minho, surprising myself even more than I surprise him.
"Tired yet?" Minho asked, slowing his pace and sipping some water.
Stopping, I notice how my breathing isn't too out of order, like the running didn't seem to have that much effect.
"Not really," I shrug.

"Something's up with you, Fallon, you're different." Minho chuckled.
"What'd mean?" I furrow my eyebrows.
"First of all, you're the only girl, yet you still manage to have better combat skills than the rest of us and you're not completely exhausted right now!" Minho threw his arms up "And what's with the whole, quiet and mysterious act?".

I almost choke on my own breath, "Quiet and mysterious?".
"Yeah, but don't worry. It's cute." Minho smirked, looking at the ground.
"So that's okay?" I ask, both of us exchanging shy smiles.
"Yeah, you're okay, Fallon. You're cute." Minho laughed nervously.

You're not cute, solider's aren't cute.

We continued running, Minho showing me the basic skills for in the maze.

Eventually, we made it back, where a few people were waiting.
"How'd it go?" Thomas smiled encouragingly.
"Great," I ring my wrists, muttering.
"You sure you wanna be a runner?" Newt asks, standing behind me.
I nod, "Yeah, I'll be fine".

After dinner, the Gladers are all being social, therefore, I go straight to my room to try and avoid them.
Lying on my back, I let my long blonde hair feather around beside me. My heavy eyelids soon flutter closed.

In my dream, I can see a woman in a white suit, her hair scraped into a bun.
"Fallon, remember your mission." She repeats.
I want to scream! What is my mission!
"No mercy. Kill one everyday until they find a way out, we must hurry. Kill them, one by one. It's what you've been trained for." The woman speaks quietly.

So that's why I'm the way I am, I've been trained as a soldier.
By whom however I don't know.

I don't want to kill them! I decided on day one, to lock that other voice out of my head, yet they won't leave.
No, and I never will.

I can't open my eyes, like I'm stuck in a trance, but I can feel the warm tears streaming down my face.
I won't do it!
You will.

My eyes suddenly flash open, catching a small glimpse of my surroundings.

I'm stood outside the medical room, not in my room.
Flinching as I hear movement come from the inside, what am I doing here?

Then I look down at my right hand, in which I carry a large and sleek knife.
Why the hell do I have a knife?
Why am I outside the medical room?

One by one, remember.
You can try, but you'll never shut me out, you're an assassin.
A soon-to-be murderer.

Sorry if this is confusing af, just comment questions!
Charis x

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