23》Up In Flames

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Minho's POV-

Before everyone disperses away, I grab Newt by the shoulder, pulling at his shirt.

"Explain to me what happened, please." I ask anxiously.
Newt shakes his head in protest "No, Minho. We have to go, and stop them-"
"Tell me Newt!" I tighten my grip on his shoulder.

"She said she saw that bloody girl again. That she was in the cell with us. Then she went all psycho and tried to kill me!" Newt cried, throwing his hands up. "I mean, the shuck are we supposed to do now! Everyone's trying to kill her!".

"Not if she kills us all first!" I say, smiling out of nervousness.
"What?" Newt frowns, scanning around I notice everyone's gone.
"Newt, she can outrun me in the maze. She's been trained to kill people, to be the best assassin ever. This part of her, the person she is now. That bitch has no mercy, no feelings.".

"Great, just great. I'll go talk to Alby, just-" he paused in thought "don't try and protect her. We don't need the two of you being murdered." Newt rubbed his forehead and ran off.

Oh shuck.
What's going on.
This must be a nightmare.
This must be a nightmare.
Any second I'll just wake up, just like that.

But I know that's not going to happen.

Deciding to convince Fallon to stand down, I run towards the trees, where she went a few minutes ago.

"Fallon! Fallon!" I call out, desperate to find her.
I yell, again and again, till my voice is raw.

A glimmer of eyes appear in the darkness, surrounded by a silhouette, reflecting of the torch light.

"Spark?" I whisper, leaning against a tree.

The silhouette gets closer, the eyes blink.
My stare rests on the figure, I don't look away, in case I lose it.

But my attention is drawn away by a large fierce flame, igniting in the corner of my eye.

The homestead.
It's on fire.

Glancing back at the trees,
she's gone.

Stop it Minho, she's getting in your head.
You're seeing things.

Several gladers run out of the burning structure, calling and yelling.
"Minho!" Newt screams, running away from the homestead "She's setting the bloody place on fire!".
"No shit." I roll my eyes, as more buildings are set alight.

"She's already killed some poor kids." Newt ringed his wrists while we ran along the side of the woods.
"How?" I furrow my eyebrows.
"Spears, swords, every weapon we have!" Newt cried out, a fiery frustration flared behind his eyes.
"Oh shuck," I rub my hand over my mouth, biting my lip.
"You slinthead! You showed her all the weapons, below the map room, didn't you!" Newt gritted his teeth.

Deciding to blanket us into silence, we continue running away.
Not quite sure what from.
Fallon's just Fallon, right?

We stop for breath, turning around, I see a completely new world.
Fire raged across the structures, bodies were strewn across the grass, arrows speared right through them.
My friends.
My brothers.

"What has she done..." Newt trailed off, holding his forehead. "I mean, Zart" Newt points at a nearby muscular body "Winston" he quotes, pointing at another.

"I can't do this." I finally feel my legs buckle beneath me, as I prop myself up against a tree, letting the tears run down my cheeks.
"Minho, we gotta keep moving, come on-" Newt sighs, but he sounds just as tired.
"So what, go. I'm not running, not anymore." I whine, tuck my knees in.

Newt didn't say anything else- I wasn't going to run.
And I wasn't going to fight.

The silence is broken by a figure stumbling towards us, breathing out heavily as he does.
"Newt!" they cry out in pain, falling to the ground.

Newt rushed to their side, crouching down to their level, only then do I see who it is.

"Bloody hell, Alby." Newt commented, placing his hand over Alby's forehead.
A sickly glimmer flashed in Newt's watery eyes, knowing it was his sister, who did this to his bestfriend.

Blood oozed from a stab wound in Alby's stomach, as he coughed and spluttered.
"Alby, no, please-" Newt cried,
I felt frozen, while I watched in horror.

"Minho, get me a cloth, from the medical room." Newt said, not taking his eyes off Alby.
But the medical room was spitting with fiery flames.
"Newt, it's on shucking fire." I mutter, shuffling closer to Alby, "Use this." I say, taking my jacket off and handing it to Newt.

Newt presses the jacket against the wound, yet Alby just kept coughing and spluttering, blood everywhere.

"Newt, this isn't working" I shake my head honestly.
"No, it's going to be okay, he's gonna bloody make it. We're gonna talk Fallon out of this." Newt said harshly, still applying pressure to the wound.

"Newt-" Alby mumbles, taking a deep sigh.
"Come on shank, it's gonna be okay." Newt cracks a fragile smile, like deep down he knew things weren't going to get better, but he was forever denying it.

"Newt." Alby said more clearly, as if each work spoken left him with less and less energy.
"She has to go. She told me she wants to. But she can't stop it by herself, please. Do it." Alby whispers, keeping his eyes on Newt, Newt and Alby shared the same looks as Fallon and I, like they couldn't bear to be apart.
They needed each other just as much.

And with that, Alby fell into a infinite sleep.

Newt broke down into a flood of agitated tears, his sister had killed his bestfriend.
After a few minutes in silence,
I notice a large crowd had gathered around the unlit bonfire pit.

Leaving Newt, I slowly approach the scene.
Fallon is stood in the centre, surrounded by furious, blood-thirsty Gladers, who move ever-closer.

She herself is covered in blood, her eyes fiery.

Just as it looks as if the Gladers are about to kill her, I step in and stop them, insisting we put her in the slammer, and decide her fate tomorrow.

Later on, I go to Fallon's cell, despite the warned glances received from other boys.
"Oh hey," Fallon shrugs, smirking.

She wasn't herself.
Instantly I knew this was the psycho Fallon.
The wicked Fallon.
The sick Fallon.

Silently I enter the cell and sit beside her.
"Please, bring her back." I gulp.
"No. She's gone. Sorry, come back later." Fallon cackles, brushing a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"Listen to me!" I snap, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Fallon, I know you're there you can fight-".
"She's gone!" Fallon screams, twisting my wrist, and pulling out of my grip.

"Now, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight, Minho." She nods, before lying down on the ground, tucking her knees into her chest.
"Fallon wasn't that stupid, I guess. You're pretty cute, I guess." She giggles, quietly.

"Tell Fallon I love her, would you? Tell her I'd do anything to bring her back to me." I state, lying down on the floor.
Fallon stays silent, like that comment had really made an impact.

"She might be back soon." Fallon mumbles sleepily, facing away from me.

She was going to be killed.
She was a serial killer.

And yet I couldn't stop loving her.

sorry haven't updated in a while whoops

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