24》It'll Kill Us Both

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Minho's POV-

I'm awoken by the sun flooding in through the bars of the Slammer.
And by the sound of Newt's yelling.

"Oi! Shuck-face! About time you got up!" He snapped, glaring down at me.
"Where's Fallon?" I glance beside me.
She's gone.

"She's dead, Minho." Newt said, his face emotionless.

What the shuck.

Newt continues to explain, as he notices I'm practically stunned in shock.

"She killed the Bagger, guarding the cell. Then ran into the maze as soon as it opened. Sent a few volunteers to go and look for her, they found this." Newt pauses lifting up his arm, showing the blood smeared jacket.
Fallon's jacket.

"Figured she tried to escape and met a griever on her way." Newt shrugged "Nobody's too bothered so best if we just move on, right?" Newt smiled weakly, but his eyes shimmered with tears.

He'd lost his sister.
And Alby, his best friend.
My mind goes back to when Newt told me his sister was 'all he has'.
He's got nothing.
Nothing to lose.

It made every bone in my body shiver- to see him falling apart.

And we all thought Fallon was the sick one.

"Why don't you go see what you can do in the map room, try and recruit some new runners, eh?" Newt smacked his lips together, looking at the ground before walking off.

This isn't right.
Fallon can't of just-

Turning my head to the back wall, I see a small piece of writing, carved into the stone wall.

Moving closer, I dare to read it.

'Think Minho. Where did you and Fallon used to go on your stupid little dates, in the evening?'

Fallon and I used to meet up at this small clearing in the woods sometimes, to get away from all the other Gladers.

But why has she written that?
No goodbyes?

After failing at recruiting new runners all day, it's eventually evening.

The other Gladers decided to throw an official celebration, remembering all the 17 boys who lost their lives to Fallon.

The speeches and cheers shimmer past my mind as all I can think about is the message Fallon left for me, and how it's twisting my mind.

How she's gone, yet I can't get her out of my head.

I'm silently stood in the crowd, holding a drink but it can't come anywhere near my lips.
"Cheer up, Minho." Frypan sighed, patting my back.

"He misses his girl, Frypan, that jacked up bitch." One of Gally's friends spits out.
Ignoring the slinthead, I scan around the glade.
Newt's no where to be seen.

"Oi, move on Minho, get over yourself, she's shucking dead. Dead!" Gally calls out tauntingly.

"You know what, Gally. You're right, she's dead." I shrug calmly, despite a boiling anger fired up inside.
"And you will be too if you don't shut your shucking mouth!" I practically scream, tears in my eyes as everyone turns to look at me.

"Minho, I-" Gally shields his hands up, apologetically.
"I'm done here." I shake my head, pushing my way out of the group and into the open space.

Once I check nobody's following me I begin to walk into the woods.
A new thought appears in my mind with every footstep.

She can't be dead.
Is the end?
Why am I even doing this?
I need to move on.

Soon I reach the clearing where Fallon and I used to meet.

Propped up against a tree, knees tucked into her chest, her hair in two long braids,
was my spark.


Feeling my heart rise to my throat, the rising tears finally crumble down my cheeks silently.
All I can seem to do is make a few choking noises of disbelief and shock.

Her attention suddenly snaps onto me, her eyes glistening in the distant fire light.
"Oh, Minho. You made it." She said grudgingly, rolling her eyes.

I have to constantly remind myself that this isn't Fallon.
She's doesn't mean it.
And I can't just go and wrap my arms around her protectively.

It's like talking to stranger.

"Well, yeah." I mumble, cautiously sitting beside her.

"Do they all think I'm dead?" She asks coldly, staring straight ahead.
"Yeah," I nod.

"Even Newt?" She says, her voice going softer.

I nod again, sighing.

"I just wanted to do this." She paused, tilting her head back, before tapping on her temple "She hasn't shut up about it all day, wanted me to tell you, that-" she paused again, twiddling her fingers "We're okay.".

"Is it too early to speak to her?" I gulp, asking nervously.

"Yes. She's too weak, I'm practically keeping her alive, away from harm." She shrugs, not minding that we were sat shoulder to shoulder.

"Can I tell Newt you're alive?" I ask, my courage growing.

"No." She snaps outright, taking a deep breath, she explains "I don't want to mess with his head anymore. He's not well, Minho. Let him move on, let him forget about me." She speaks, her voice cracking .

"Right." I smack my lips together.
"I'm going to stay here, in hiding. Stealing stuff from the kitchen to survive, I'll keep moving around. But I'll never leave the glade without you."
She sighed as if it pained her to release emotion.

"You're welcome anytime, Minho. I like you." A weight lifted from my lungs when I saw her crack a small smile.

Without being able to stop myself, our faces lean closer and closer.
Until our lips are pressed together fiercely.
We kiss for a minute or so, neither of us seeming to be able to stop ourselves despite previous feelings.

Pulling away, she speaks again.
"She won't stop begging, Minho. She won't shut up, she wants me to kill myself. She doesn't care that it'll kill us both. She wants me dead, so I can't hurt anyone else." Tears ran down her face as I wiped them away for her.
"I promise, I won't hurt anyone else, just, make her stop.".

the ending for this book will be a traumatic can't wait!

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