20》She Never Was

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Gasping, as I suddenly bolt upright, I feel small beads of sweat form on my face.

Just a nightmare.
Except I can't remember anything.
Just, feelings.

Feeling like I was drowning, feeling like I was being torn apart- the horrific list goes on.

"What's up, spark?" Minho muttered sleepily "You okay?" He asked, expressing an anxious frown as he sat up beside me.

Bringing myself together, I say "I'm fine, Minho, I-"
"Don't lie to me." Minho said bluntly "Please, I thought you said you were getting better.".
His voice had a sad and disappointed undertone to it, which made me want to burst into tears and tell him everything.

But I can't.

"I am, I promise. Just a nightmare." I shrug, kissing his cheek before settling back down, pulling the blanket over my shoulders.

"Okay, but you can tell me things, you know. I tell you everything." He said almost childishly, lying back down again.

"That's because you haven't murdered 4 people." I sigh, muttering under my breath.
"3. You mean 3. Shuck, you haven't gone and-" Minho stutters before I stop him.

"Thomas' death was my fault, Minho." I say without emotion, feeling a coldness run through me.

"You can't keep blaming everything on yourself, you were sick. But you've changed, it's all going to be okay now." Minho said softly, taking my hand in his, peppering my neck with kisses.

For what feels like forever- I pretend to be asleep, waiting until I can hear Minho's sleepy snuffling.

I need to find her, talk to her.

All these thoughts about her race through my mind, but they shatter to pieces when there is a single knock on the bedroom door.

It's the early hours of the morning?
What the shuck is someone doing this late!

Cautiously, I silently get out of bed and tread over to the door, not waking Minho.
Opening the door, I see her.

Standing right outside, staring back at me, a devilish grin soon spread across her face.

"What do you want?" I stutter, folding my arms.
"I said I'd be back, didn't I?" She shrugged, "Well here I am!" She smirked.

Oh how I hated her so, how I just wanted to kill her.

"Why do you look like me? Why are you a physical being? You're a voice! Nothing more!" I protest, feeling my face heat with anger.

"I'm you, stupid. The real you? You chose to shut me out. So I came back, stronger and better than ever." She said clearly, stepping closer towards me.

"You're not real. You're not real." I repeat, over and over.

I keep squeezing my eyes shut, but she's still there.
That ugly smirk of a smile constantly plastered to her face.

Glancing back at Minho, I'm glad he's still asleep.
"Ah. I see he's still here." she raised her eyebrows, following my gaze for the moment I look at Minho.

"I'm going to kill him. I'm going to takeover you, make you kill him. Slit his throat, watch the blood trickle down. And then I'll bring you back, just in time to see his lifeless face, so you can witness what you've done." She said powerfully, like she expected each word to cause the ground to tremble, her words grew stronger each time.

Minho's POV:

"No! I won't let you!" I hear Fallon scream as I jolt upright from my deep sleep.

What the shuck is going on!

My girlfriend's stood in the doorway, the door wide open.
Tears running down her pale face, as she stared out into the darkness.

"I'm not weak! Stop! Leave me alone!" Fallon screams again, sending shivers down my spine.

Carefully bringing myself to my feet, I silently walk towards her, not wanting to scare her.

"Please, don't hurt me. You deserve to die, not me." She shakes her head.

It's as if I've been punched in the gut when I see Fallon raising a knife in her left hand.

"Please, don't do it." She quivers, her body shaking in the draft from the door.

Who's she talking too!
There is no one there!

"Fallon, put the knife down, please." I finally summon the courage to speak.
Fallon slowly turns to me, but her hollow and dark eyes are locked just outside the door- staring out at the dark scene.

"Minho, help me. Kill her, please. Before she kills me." Fallon begs, her lips trembling.

In a matter of seconds, before I couldn't react, Fallon had already plunged the knife into her stomach, crying out in pain as she did.

And the saddest thing, is that she didn't tell me she was still sick. She lied, told me she was okay.
When she never was.

go figure ;)
okay so minho doesn't know that Fallon was actually better for like a week.

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