10》Missed You

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"What do you mean!" I hiss, glancing back at the Bagger.

"You killed my best friend. I watched you-" his face crumbled, as he pressed his hand to his forehead. "I watched you kill my best friend. And, I didn't stop you." He burst in sobs, hugging his knees closer.

I'm unstoppable, duh.

"Look, Thomas, you don't understand. The situation is much bigger than you know-" I try to calm him down.
"Why did you do it!" He wailed, lip trembling- thankfully not disturbing the Bagger who stood guard.

The task. Because of Wicked. This slinthead doesn't get it!

"I can't help it, Thomas. Please, I'm sick. I'm not right." Tears sting my eyes as I try to be nice.

You're a soldier Fallon, that's all.

"They won't believe me if I told them it was you. You're just Newt's little sister- his quiet, shy and weak sister. But I guess it's always the quiet ones isn't it?" He smiled grimly.

"I'm not just his sister. I'm my own person." I stammer, trying to keep calm.
"It won't matter, I'll be dead soon. Thanks." He said coldly, looking at his feet.

Glancing outside, I see the sun slowly setting through the cracks in the cell bars.
It was almost time for Thomas to be banished.

Just then, Newt comes up to the cell door, "Come on, Fallon. Tommy needs to go now." Newt sighed, pulling me out the cell.

"I know what you did." Thomas sneered as he was escorted past me.

"We better go and help Alby," Newt said, as we began to walk to the doors of the glade.

"Fallon!" I hear someone call behind me, sounding short of breath, turning around, I see Jeff.
"Minho's awake, he wants to see you!" Jeff smiled despite the depressing atmosphere.

Newt rolled his eye and frowned "Go see your bloody boyfriend then!" He laughed.
"He's not my boyfriend!" I protest before running over to Jeff.

Eagerly I follow Jeff up the stairs to the medical room, till we reach the door where he stops awkwardly.
"I'll go help Newt." He paused "Give you two some time." Jeff muttered before making his way back to the other Gladers for Thomas' banishing.
Which I had no intention to watch anyway, since his death would be my fault.

The door opened with a creak, as I see Minho, sat up in a chair, staring at a wall.
"Minho?" I ask, not sure how to approach him.
"Fallon!" He instantly smiled, standing up and walking over to me. "What's going on out there? Is Thomas getting banished?" He asked frowning.

"Yeah, they found a knife under his bed." I run my hand through my hair anxiously.

"Shuck," Minho sighed, putting his hands on my waist.
In a rush of emotion I wrap him in a hug, my head buried into his shoulder.
"I missed you." I whisper, my voice breaking with tears.

"Missed you too," He kissed the top of my forehead.

And then that part of me just clicked back together. Maybe darkness does eventually fade. But until then, I just hold onto a single thread of hope, that one day, I'll be normal again.
I won't be sick.

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