25》See You Later, Spark

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This is the final chapter btw so it's pretty long, but there will still be an epilogue and then an alternative ending- believe me, you'll want one!

Fallon's POV-

Minho had visited me every other day for the past couple weeks, bringing me food and water as I moved from hiding place to hiding place.
He'd also been helping me become calmer, and care more about others. He wanted the old Fallon back.

I lay across a blanket on my back, staring up at the trees and the lunchtime sun, thoughts twirling in my head, like a thick spiral of dark clouds.
"Fallon!" Minho flashed a smile, walking up to me through the trees.
He carried a sandwich and two bottles of water, placing them down beside me.

"Hey," I mumble, moving along on the blanket so he could sit beside me.
"How's you?" He asked letting me rest my head on his stomach.
"Okay." I lie, sucking in my cheeks.

"Are you feeling anymore, like before?" He asked nervously, he was basically just asking about whether I felt anymore like old Fallon.
The truth is-
I slowly feel myself coming back around, back to being old Fallon.
And it's getting harder and harder to stop it.

"A little," I shrug, yet tears in my eyes.
"You're still making progress." Minho said encouragingly, "I'm so proud of you.".

"It's tough, you know." I breathe a deep sigh "I didn't choose to be like this, wicked turned me into this-" I flail my arms out in despair "thing. This assassin. This murderer. This psychopath." I rant on, becoming more frustrated and tearful each word.

"Shh, it's okay." Minho stops me, cupping my chin in his hand, tilting my face to his.
"It's gonna be okay." He smiled weakly "I love you, Newt loves you. That's all that matters." He said, kissing my forehead.

"Can we just stay like this, forever?" I wonder, my voice hazy.
"Good that," Minho nodded in agreement.

Silence washed over us for a couple of minutes until it was broken by Minho.
"Shuck, I forgot to sort out the maps from yesterday. Be right back, spark." He jumped to his feet, smiled and jogged over to the map room.

Okay- so maybe he is kinda cute.
I just feel so useless that I can't seem to bring myself back to who he fell in love with.
I'm trying, I really am.

Knowing Minho will take a while, I go over to a small stream by my makeshift camp.

I stare intently at my reflection, and before I know it tears are rolling down my face.
What have I become?

A face appears behind me in the reflection making my heart skip a beat.


"You lied." He said through gritted teeth as I stood up and span on my heels to face my older brother.

"Newt, please-" I beg for forgiveness, but his eyes are glazed over.
I couldn't read him.
Only anger.

"You killed, all those boys, but you're still breathing." He stuttered, soon he had tears in his eyes too.
"You evil bitch. Where's my sister!" He screamed.
That's when I notice the knife.
My knife. In his hand.

"Bring back my sister!" He yelled furiously.
Calming myself I try to explain "I am your sister! I'm better Newt-".

"Lies! You're trying to trick me! You're going to kill me aren't you! Like you killed Alby!" He spat, nothing but hatred flamed in his veins.
"He told me! He told me, you'd try and kill me! When he died, he just-" Newt tapped on his temple with the knife handle "He just moved up here. He tells me things. And he said you're never going to change back.".

My poor brother, my poor poor brother.

He was just as insane as I.

And I would not want to wish voices on anyone, especially him.

Something suddenly snaps inside me.

Like I've broken out of chains.

I am me again.
The 'evil', 'insane' Fallon died a few seconds ago.

Minho's going to be so happy, I can't wait to see the look on his face.

But first there are other issues.

"Newt, please. I promise, I've got better, I'm me again." I say calmly, stepping away from him, putting my hands up in defence.

"Lies! Leave my little sister alone, you monster!" Newt cried out, tears stains and blood-shot eyes as he brought up the knife and pierced it straight into my stomach.

Taking a few painful gasps as I stumble to the ground, Newt's face unfolds as he realises what he's done.
But it's too late now.

"Fallon!" Minho calls out running towards me, his face in shock.
"What the shuck did you do!" He snapped at Newt as he applied pressure to my wound, where the knife still dug in.

"I thought-" he ran his hands through his hair "I thought she was still evil, Minho. I think, I think I'm going insane." He rambled on, pacing up and down.

"Fallon, it's going to be alright, okay?" Minho reassured me, but his lips were trembling and tears ran down his face as he cradled me in his arms.
"I'm myself again. She's gone." I manage to mutter, feeling like every muscle inside me is slowly breaking down.

"I'm so proud of you, I love you." He smiled sadly, peppering my forehead with kisses.
"Take the knife out." I state, looking up at him.

"No, I won't be able to stop the bleeding and-"
Pressing my lips to his for the last time, I mumble "Do it, please Minho.".

As I pull myself away from him, he tightens a grip around the knife a pulls it out with one force.

Blood begins to splutter from my mouth, blood on my hands.
Just blood.
Like old times, except, it's finally my own.

I wrap my arms around Minho's neck as he continues to cradle me like a small child.
"See you later, my love." I whisper into his neck, every breath becoming more painful.

"See you later, spark." He replied.

Minho held me until the end, until what felt like just falling asleep.

All sparks burn out eventually.

So this was the last chapter of this book :(
Hope you enjoyed it!
epilogue will be up soon :)

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