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1 month since Fallon's death.

Dear Spark,

I don't know why I write to you every week.
When the letters just get burnt onto the bonfire, I just hope maybe you see them.

I'd like to think you're still here with me, in my arms.

Anyway, as you know, Newt wasn't punished for what he did to you.
And I was the only one who was willing to dig the grave and bury you, make you a small cross.

You know my carving skills aren't great, not anywhere as good as yours, so sorry about the shucked up cross. You deserve better.

This news does not come easy for me to tell you, okay.
Since you left, Newt's got worse.
He would have sudden outbursts of anger and paranoia, he said the voice, Alby's voice, told him what to do.

Did you know he regrets it? He won't admit it though.

So Newt got worse and worse, the Gladers began to see me as a more suitable leader, despite me not wanting the role.

One evening, we are sat around the bonfire, everyone except Newt.
He was sat by the stream, where you left me.
He'd sit there in silence for hours on end, just thinking.

Afterwards we all went to bed as usual.

Early the next morning, I was awoken by one of the track-hoes.
They insisted I had to see something before anyone else.

I followed him down to the clearing, where Newt usually sat, by the stream.

Newt was there too.
But, your brother, was dead.

I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach as I scanned the scene where he lay propped against the tree, coloured drained from his face.

He'd slit his wrists and bled himself out, in the exact spot where you were stabbed.
Using your knife.

I told the track-hoe to leave, and make sure nobody came to see what was going on.

A message had been written in blood, his blood, on the tree.

'I'm so sorry, but I couldn't kill the demon without killing myself, you see. At least I'll be with Fallon now. She didn't deserve any of this. You all thought it was her who was bloody sick, didn't you? Minho shall be leader. Goodbye, my brothers. Newt'

He killed himself, Fallon.
I hope he's nice to you up there, and that you get along.

But know I'm determined to find a way out of here.
For you.
For us.

So this will probably be my last letter from the maze.
But when all this is over, I'll send you another.

And you never really left, because I've started to hear your voice in my head.
You always tell me the right thing to do.

Anyway, best be going now.

See you later, Spark.

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