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After a few weeks of not having any murderous thoughts, or plans. The voice seemed to of vanished. Hadn't heard from her since that day.

Everyone just presumed that the murderer had stopped killings, some Gladers were desperate for justice and vengeance.
However Alby thought it best to leave it, considering they had no way of finding out who it was.

Minho and I still run through the maze everyday, no Glader makes an attempt to flirt with me- for fear of being completely beaten up by Minho.

He's so cute, he like protects me, but truthfully...
Who's more likely to win against a griever?

"Fallon?" Minho asks, glancing backwards, bringing me back to my senses.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." I laugh shyly, catching up with Minho.

"She's not back is she?" Minho raises a concerned eyebrow.
I shake my head, thankfully "Nope, all good." I smile, proudly.

"Good, shank. Well done," Minho smiles back, taking my hand for a brief moment, before we began to run again.

Somehow I'd finally managed to master the technique of sketching and marking out on paper, as I sprinted along the corridors of the maze.

In general, things were finally looking up.

"Are you sure you're okay, you're so quiet?" Minho frowned, glancing at me for a second, daring to take his eyes off the path ahead.

I had been more quiet recently, I had a habit of burying myself in my own thoughts.

It was only my friends that I talked to anyway, everyone else I don't dare utter a word too. For fear of saying something wrong or stupid.

"I'm fine, just" I pause, taking a breath while I think if the right words "thinking, a lot." I smile encouragingly.
"Well, come on, spark, better be getting back soon." Minho gestured forward.

"Spark?" I splutter, sprinting to catch up with him.
Minho shrugged as a hint of colour rushed to his cheeks, "You're like a spark, my spark." He smiled sweetly, looking back at me.

"Oh look, you've finally learnt how to be romantic!" I laugh, jokingly.

"Shut it, you're not that smart you know!" Minho jabbed his elbow into my ribs, making me clutch my sides, in laughter.

"Race you back, then." I raise an eyebrow, waiting for Minho's call.

"Go!" He yelled, grinning as we both broke out into a sprint- minds racing as we memorise the turns and twists.

That's my favourite thing about Minho, some how I don't feel like I have to be that shy and weak girl. Like I can be myself, be confident.

Later that day, it's evening and we're all sat in the glade.
Minho, Newt, Alby and I are in a group together, all of us good friends.

People are laughing, chatting and fighting. You couldn't tell that three people had been murdered. And I wasn't sure whether that made me glad or sick.

this is a happy chapter sorry it's so short oops
Sorry there is like no dialogue but ehh
I might update again tomorrow WITH ZE NEW PLOT TWIST!!!

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