9》Like A Bad Dream

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"Fallon, Fallon, wake up," Jeff leans over me, tapping my shoulder, sorrow in his eyes.

He missed his best friend, every single part of Jeff had been torn in two, he was just a walking grey cloud, now Clint's gone.

"What. What happened?" I rub my forehead, sitting up. By the way my back aches- I guess I slept on the wooden floor all night.
"You must of fell asleep here. Minho's not awake yet, sorry." Jeff smiled weakly, guessing my next question.

Just then Minho body jolted, his legs began to kick the bed violently, a painful expression on his face.
"Is he okay?" I ask, jumping to my feet.

"He'll be okay. But come on, he'd want you to carry on as normal." Jeff sighed, pulling a strap over Minho's arms, legs and chest, to stop him moving.
"Let's get you out of here," he glanced at Minho, before walking me out the medical room.

The bright sun rays stung my eyes as I stepped outside.
Despite the lovely weather- nobody seemed very happy.

Then in hits me like remembering a bad dream.
Chuck, she killed Chuck.

She? You mean us. Now let me handle all this talking unless you want to be banished, okay?

Not wanting to be caught, I let the psychopath take over.

Jeff walks me over to where Newt and Alby are standing, just outside the homestead.
"Fallon!" Newt smiled, obviously happy to see me, "Where were you?".

"She was in the medical room," Jeff rolled his eyes.
"Oh," Newt exclaimed, realising why I was in there.

"Anyway, can someone tell me what's going on?" I snap, putting a hand on my hip.

Alby took a step beside Newt, "Chuck's been killed.".

I fake a look of horror, widening my eyes, covering my hand over my mouth.
But the tears that escape are real, as I did this. It was me.

I follow Newt and Alby to the scene, which I think the only reason I'm allowed to go to it, is because I'm Newt's sister.

The baggers are taking Chuck's body off the blood-stained hammock as we arrive.
"We found a knife covered in blood under Thomas' hammock, he's in the slammer. He had an argument with Chuck yesterday, so we think that's how he chose him." Alby sighed.

Thomas is going to be banished because of me.
He's going to die because of me.

And now nobody will know it was really me.
I feel guilty as a small spark of happiness lights in my mind.

"And they're is another one of these messages, Thomas must of written it." Newt pointed to a large tree, with a message scrawled in blood across it, which I wrote.

'Always a shame when the littlest has to die because of the others around him. Find a way out, or there'll be more bodies.'

"Shouldn't we focus, on getting out of the maze?" I squint.
"It's been hard without Minho, and now Thomas is locked up. It's only you and Ben who are still able to run." Alby said, rubbing his forehead.
"Anyway, nobody else should die now. Since that bloody shuck face's going to be banished." Newt smiled weakly.

After I had some breakfast, I went on a run with Ben- who seems kinda nice.

My breathing slowed down as I enter back into the glade, jogging behind Ben to the map room.

I was quiet. I didn't boast about how was actually the best fighter or runner here. And how I could single handedly kill them all.
But that's what I was trained for.

"Fallon!" Thomas hissed from his cell, calling for me.
"I'll be a just a minute Ben, I'll catch up later." I tell Ben, before he runs off.

Crouching outside the cell, I go to unlock the door.
"Hey, you can't go in there." A tall boy snapped, being a Bagger.
"I'll be fine, give me a few minutes okay." I mutter, jumping down into the cell.

Thomas is sat in the corner, his knees tucked into his chest.
I'd never seen him like this.

We'd never been close, but we were still friends.

His bloodshot eyes widened, his hands shook as he held himself.
"Thomas, are you okay?" I reach out my hand.

He spoke with his voice trembling "It was you, wasn't it. I saw you. You sick, sick bitch."

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