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Pulling Minho's unconscious body aside, I stare anxiously at the griever.

"How the hell do I kill it?" I mutter, glancing at Minho.

The griever takes a few steps closer, making my heart beat faster.

You can kill it, you know. Any time before Christmas would be great. This is easy, compared to what you've done before.

I don't want to think about how I'm actually a murderer, thanks.

Releasing the built up anger inside me, I launch myself at the griever, my fist impacting against its chest.
It gives off a short squeal, bucking up its leg for a moment.

After a few painful minutes of battling the griever, eventually it collapsed to the ground.

Heaving out a breath, I crouch down beside Minho, who's slowly awakening.
"Minho, come on!" I tug his arm.

Minho jolts upwards, thrashing his arm out at me, yelling.

What's his problem? Kill him.

No I'm not killing Minho. Leave me alone.

I am you, don't you get it? I can't leave you alone. I am the real you.


Whacking Minho in the temple with the handle of my knife, he falls back unconscious.
"Shuck, we need to get out of here." I mumble, glancing up at the sky, where the sun is silently falling.

Thanking the creators for my toned 'assassin' arms; I begin to drag Minho back to the gates.

Several times he wakes up, several times I have to knock him out again. It's not the way I imagined our first few hours of being a couple to go, but, I just happy he's not dead.
But after an hour or so of my muscles aching, I'm finally near a door.

Fear sparks inside me as the ground starts to shake, the walls are closing.

Leave him, you won't make it.

A group of Gladers gather around to watch and cheer, making me feel more desperate than ever.

"Fallon! Come on!" Newt yells, I can tell Alby is holding him back from helping me.
"Let's go Greenie!" Gally calls encouragingly.

With every single shred of strength left in me, I push Minho into the Glade.

Everyone looks at me in horror, like they thought I was just going to stay there, in the maze.
Tears fill Newt's eyes as Jeff rushes Minho off to the medical room.

We don't want to die now. Do we?

Yet at the very last second, I push myself through the small gap, stumbling onto to the ground the other side.

Sorry haven't updated in a while

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