4》First Blood

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You're going to stop being such a little girl, and go in there.
Like you were told.

I can't stop myself, as I slip the knife into my jacket pocket, the door opening with a creak.

Clint is arranging some supplies in the cupboard when he notices me, his face reflected surprise.
"Oh, hi. Fallon, isn't it? You're Newt's sister." He squinted, he wasn't scared at all.

He should be.

"Yeah, I've been having headaches. Do you have any painkillers?" I lie with confidence.

Clint taps the table, "Yeah, sure. Then you should really get back to bed, I'm only here because these stupid cupboards need sorting! And it's not like Jeff's going to sort it out!" Clint babbles, reaching out to the back of the cabinet, turning his back to me.

Now! Do it!

Stretching my arm out in front of me, I press my palm to Clint's mouth.
Before he could yell, in one swift movement, I pull out the knife and drag it along his neck, slitting his throat.

Stepping back, I watch as he turns around, clutching his bloody throat.
His eyes filled with sorrow and shock. He couldn't believe that I'd done it.
That, Newt's shy little sister had slit this throat.

Well done. No mercy, remember?
Now, tomorrow, you do it again. Till they find a way out.

I dip my finger in the pools of blood around Clint's lifeless body.
Pressing my finger to the wall, I begin to write.

'One by one, you'll all be gone. Find a way out, shanks.'

My eyes scan frantically over the scene before me.
There were pools of blood around Clint, his head was sideways, leaning on his shoulder. His eyes were wide open, his hands uncurled themselves, resting at his sides.

What have I done?
He didn't deserve to be murdered.

He's a sacrifice.
Don't being so weak.

Oh god, I'm a monster.

Raising my bloody fingers, I place my hands over my mouth, horrified.
Tears began to form and dripped onto my hands, diluting all the blood.

I scrub the soap against my hands till they're red and raw, the blood flowing into the sink.
Cautiously, I keep glancing out the window, it's still dark out, probably a few hours till daylight.

Once I've cleaned the knife, I tuck it back into my pocket. I tread carefully out the door and down the steps. My hair dancing in the cool breeze.

Walking to the homestead, tears still stinging my eyes.
I can't believe what I've done.

Sitting back into my bed, I stare at the wall, trying to make sense of the situation.

I flinch when I hear someone knocking on the door. What if someone saw me murder Clint!

Opening it ajar, I anxiously poke my head round.
It's Minho.

He smiles awkwardly, running his hand through his hair.
"You okay, Fallon? I saw you walking across the glade, looking really upset." He asks.
Part of me is happy he didn't see me in the medical room.

Or you might've had to kill him.

"Yeah, sorry. I needed some fresh air, had a bad dream, that's all." I shrug, crosses my arms, resting my hands on my shoulders.
I hate lying to him.

"Oh okay, well, try and get some sleep." Minho mutters, turning away.

Before he takes a few steps, I run up behind him and embrace him in a hug, my head against his back. "Thanks, though." I whisper, yet he can't see the tears on my face.

Minho faces me again, and laughs "No problem, and I'm here for you, okay." He smiles, then walking back into the darkness outside.

But he doesn't know that if he stays with you, he's as good as dead.
Because I'll get him, and you won't be able to stop me.

Hope you like this chapter!
R.I.P Clint

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