2 》The Glade

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Click click.
Where the hell am I?
Click click.
'Remember your mission' a woman's voice says.
Click click
What mission!
Click click
Stupid little girl, remember! Don't be weak! You're a warrior.

My lungs feel heavy with water, my eyes are raw. Bright lights flicker past me, I'm in some kind of box.
"Hello?" I croak, placing my hands firmly flat on the gridded metal.

Don't be scared, you're not supposed to be scared.
Would you cut it out!

All too soon the box jerks to a halt, throwing me back against one of the walls, letting my blonde hair fall over my face.

The roof above begins to open, light pouring into the box.
Squinting, I can hear a rush of footsteps towards me.
Be ready, you can do it.

Carefully, I slide the large knife beside me into my hand, not making a sound.

A large group of boys begin to gather around, peering down at me as I waver the knife towards them. They stay quiet, like I'm some alien.

"Erm, Alby." A boy glances nervously at me, then to a broad black boy next to him.

Alby nods to a tall boy with sandy hair, who jumps down into the box. Tilting his head up, he looks inquisitively into my eyes.
"Fallon?" He whispered, daring to edge closer.

Kill him, he's nothing to you now.

"Newt?" I slowly place the knife back, a small smile across my face, happy to be reunited with my brother.

"You know this shank?" Alby asks Newt.
"Yeah, this is Fallon. She's my sister." Newt gulped, holding out his hand for me.

A wave of whispers and staring eyes followed, making me feel even more uncomfortable.
Don't let them get to you, they'll all be dead soon.

A few hours later, the dark sky covers the glade.
I've been given a tour and know roughly the basics or being here.

A large bonfire is set a lite in the centre, lighting a yellow glow onto everything nearby.

"Fallon!" Newt called, making me turn on my heels, feeling the bonfire's heat against my back.
"You need to bloody meet some people!" Newt rolled his eyes, leading the way.

After being introduced to two boys named Chuck and Thomas,
Newt and I walk past what looks like a fighting ring, where two of the Gladers are practically hurling each other to the ground.

"New Greenie?" A boy with short hair and a frown called at me.
"Shut it, Gally." Newt groaned.
"Don't you wanna see if she can fight?" Gally chuckled, tilting his head back.
"She's a girl, she's also my sister. Don't make me come in there and break all your bloody bones." Newt stated sharply.

"Your on." I yell, yet my voice stayed calm.
Newt tugged at my arm "Fallon, you don't get it, he's gonna fight you-".
"I heard perfectly well thanks."
I turn back to look at Newt, disappointment filled his eyes, before stepping into the ring.

Show them all. Show them what your true purpose is.

Gally steps closer, his eyes locked on mine.
I scan around to notice a rather large crowd has come to watch, I guess they can't wait to see Gally getting beaten up by a girl.

He swipes a punch, but instinctively, I crouch to the floor, surprised at my own reflexes.

As I stand back up, I take an uppercut punch to his chin, knocking his head back.
Then I raise my leg and kick straight to his right ribs, then a second later I kick his left ribs.

It's so natural, I don't even have to think about my next move.
That's because your a trained soldier.

With one finally force, I push Gally straight to the ground, which he hits with a thud.

Instead of making a sarcastic remark, I just wipe my forehead and walk away, feeling like everyone was staring at me in disbelief.

Newt caught up with me, tapping my shoulder.
"Where the shuck did you learn that?" He quizzed.
"Just, happened, I guess." I shrug.
"People don't just happen to have some of the best combat skills in the Glade on day 1, Fallon." Newt throws his arms up.

Anger boils inside, I wanted to beat Gally to prove a point but I don't want any attention. "Look, I don't know-".

I'm interrupted by a toned Asian boy, who walks out in front of me and Newt.
"Oh bloody hell Minho, what'd want?" Newt rubbed his forehead.
"Been in map room all day, when I come out everyone's saying your sister's shown up and she's just beaten the klunk out of Gally!" Minho laughed, but kept his eyes focused on me.

"Pretty cool, shank." Minho gives a nod of approval.
"Thanks," I mumble.
"Newt, I never thought your sister would be this cute." Minho tilted his head to the side.

Colour rushes to my cheeks, as I look straight at the floor.
"I can't bloody watch this, I'll be with Alby, Fallon, if you get tired of Minho's oversized ego." Newt comments before walking off.

"Well he's just a ray of sunshine isn't he?" Minho raises an eyebrow, as a small laugh escapes my lips.

"Why can't we go out there?" I ask blankly.

Minho blinks twice, taking in my unexpected question.
"Grievers. Big scary monster things. But you should try out to be a runner!".

"And run into those big scary monster things? No thanks!" I say quietly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

I spend the rest of night talking and laughing with my new friends, Minho telling me all about what's beyond the walls.

And it's the moment just before I shut my eyes to sleep, I decide that I'm going to shut my other half out, I'm going to be kind and caring Fallon from now on.

But we both know you can't do that, can you?

hope y'all like this chapter.
sorry that the writing quality is crap >•<

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