8》Say Something

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Later that evening, Minho's still going through the changing, and I'm completely alone as I try to avoid the talking and laughing going around the glade. Jeff seems more distant, however and there's a definite spark of tension, from Clint's murder.

Sighing, I sit against a tree, holding a flask of water in my hand, my muscles still ached.

In the misty darkness someone sits next to me- it's Newt.
"How you holding up?" He asks for the billionth time today.

Rolling my eyes, I stretch my legs out "I'm fine. How long will it take for Minho to wake up?" I ask trying to change the subject.
Newt laughed nervously, as if he was laughing at me. "Couple days, Fallon. Why you wanna know?" He nudged my shoulder.

"Doesn't matter, just, asking." I mumble, taking a sip of water.

"Look, if something's going on between the two of you, I am not interested in your love life. But, I'll let him know that if he breaks your heart, I'll break his bloody neck." Newt said.

Don't worry, I'll do that.

A sickening thought came to my stomach at the thought of that monster hurting Minho.

An hour or so later, everyone's gone to bed.
Except once I fall asleep, I wake up. Yet I don't wake up in my bed.

I wake up, standing up, beside Chuck and Thomas' hammocks. Knife in my hand.

No. Stop, not this.
Yes, it's your mission remember. The greater good. One by one.

Scanning to check they're both asleep, I step closer to Chuck.

Stop this! Please! Kill me!
The game's only just begun, Fallon.

Reaching out with my knife, I swipe it across Chuck's throat.
His eyes suddenly open, coughing and spluttering as blood oozed from the dark red line.

Luckily he doesn't seem wake up Thomas as I begin to write a message in Chuck's blood.

Tears streaming down my face, as Chuck recognises my face in his final few moments.
"Fallon?" He gasps, before his eyes drift shut.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper, wiping my tears, shuffling over to Thomas' bed where I hide the bloody knife underneath.

My hands covered in blood, I trek back to the medical room, where Minho is unconscious still.

After washing my hands from Chuck's blood, I sit on the floor beside Minho.

Laying on my back, I stare at the ceiling. "I've done something terrible, Minho." I whisper, half-hoping he'd just wake up, there and then.

"This isn't me. This isn't me, is it?" I let my voice echo across the room.
"I can't stop her. Help me, please." I sob, crying fresh tears.

"And sometimes, I think you're the only one here who understands me. Yet you know nothing, nothing. But I love you." I glance up at his unconscious body.
"Please, just make her stop. Say something Minho!".

Her! Her? I am you, stupid girl.
And I can't and shan't be stopped...

Double update I'm the bæ

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