16》Desperate People

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"Fallon, you've got to sleep at some point." Minho sighed, turning over restlessly to face me, in the darkness of the room.

I'm lay on my back, staring up at the ceiling, staying completely still.
"I have slept." I protest, not taking my eyes off the ceiling.

Don't lie to him. You don't need much sleep anyway.

"You've been awake this whole time, haven't you?" Minho sighs, reaching out and tucking a strand of blonde hair behind my ear. "It's okay, the knives are by me, you're safe.".

But he's not.

"I know, I know, I'm just being paranoid. Sorry," I mumble, pulling the blanket up to my neck, shuffling closer towards Minho.

"What do you think is gonna happen?" Minho smiled shyly, both of us looking up at the ceiling "I mean, after the maze, once we escape.".

If we escape.

"No idea." I shrug, feeling the weight of tiredness.
"What do you even think is out there?" Minho asks, pulling me a little closer to him, kissing my cheek.

Bad people. Death. I've seen it.

"Desperate people." I say coldly, my eyelids drooping.
"We'll be okay though. We'll survive, together." Minho said warmly, realising that I was exhausted.

"Good that," I grin, resting my head onto his shoulder, soon enough I let the warm darkness of sleep take over.

I'm awoken by the sun streaming through the walls once again, the harsh light stung my eyes for a moment.

Glancing around, I sit up yet it only takes me a second to notice Minho's not with me.
"Minho?" I call out, standing up on the cold floor, putting on my jacket.

"Minho!" I call again, treading carefully around my room.

Suddenly Minho swings open the door, letting himself in wit a smile.
"Oh hey," he gave a small sheepish wave.

"Where've you been?" I ask, folding my arms.

"Just checking up with Newt and Alby, nobody's dead so-" Minho takes a sip of water from the bottle on the table.

Because you were in your room all night.
You didn't go because of him, and all the other Gladers are in one room, making it harder to kill.

"Okay, well that just confirms I'm the murderous psychopath, great!" I snap, running a hand through my hair.

"Don't say it like that- I didn't want to wake you." Minho shrugged, "We better get ready to run" he said, stepping towards me, cupping my chin with his hands and kissing my lips softly.
"Oh, did you know you have a tattoo on your right ankle?" He tilted his head in amusement, pulling away from me.

I hold my right foot with my hand, leaning onto the wall for balance. Pulling up my jeans an inch or so, I discover a pair of angel wings inked into my skin, with the words 'Trust Your Training.' below it.

"Shuck, where did that come from?" I rub my forehead.
"Maybe you got it back at Wicked." Minho stood by the door.

He's right, it was a small reward for being so dedicated.

You were willing to spill blood for them, back then too.

"Anyway, we better go, let's just ignore you're weird tattoo for now! Let's run!" Minho winks and laughs, holding the door for me.

Look, I'm not killing anyone else.
I'm not asking you too, Fallon.
Good. Because I'm not. I'm going to lock you away, forget about you.
We both know that's not possible.
Watch me.
Fair enough, but when I come back. I'll slowly take you apart, you'll crumple into madness and I'll laugh at how pathetic you are.
You're life will be hollow, and it won't just be the Gladers who'll get hurt. You've been warned, little girl.

so im developing the plot more and i can't wait to add this next plot twist!

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