Chapter 11: Choices

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This is a work of Fictions. Any names, places, stories, or events are fictitious. Please kindly understand that i am just an mere amateur writer. Thank you.

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Chapter 11: Choices

"So have you received any news?" Zane asked.

"Nope, i haven't. Not like I'm looking forward to it" i answered.

"But cap! Sanconi U?! Seriously?! That doesn't get you excited? The S-A-N-C-O-N-I University?! The home of the athletes?! Where star athletes resides?! Where Legendary athletes are born?!" Zane explained with too much emotions

"You're exaggerating." I said, wearing a new shirt. "Sanconi or not Sanconi, i can continue playing. Beside, it's not like i will play all my life. A time will come when i have to retire"

"Wow... is that really you? Is that Nayeli? What did you do to our Nayeli?" Miles suddenly commented, giving me a light kick on my butt.

"It's really me... come on guys" i laughed.

"This new Nayeli sounds so... mature. Is this the effect of the great Maxine Silva?!" Zane said acting like it was a horror to hear.

"You know, you can go to acting school. You're really good at acting" i commented on Zane's acting.

"Thanks but I'm sticking to sports" he laughed. I just finished packing my things and threw my bag on my shoulder.

"I guess i'll see you guys tomorrow!" I said to both of them.

"Geez, this new Nayeli doesn't even spare us time anymore... I'm so sad. We should drink to forget our pain!" Zane acted again.

"Drink on your own! I'm meeting Gigi" Miles said pushing Zane away from her.

"I'm so lonely... my two bestfriends left me for girls"

"Why don't you hit on that freshman that's been hanging around the gym lately? What was her name again? Clarice? Charice? Clark? Oh! Claire!"

"No! That girl is annoying as hell!" Zane said, "i don't know why she kept on appearing everywhere!"

"Oh! Seems like Zane has a crush" Miles teased as they continued to walk but their loud voice can be heard from miles and miles away.

I walked in the near empty hallway, there were few students, some loitering around and some actually had work left.

It was the near end of semester and people are tying things together to have a great semester break and i know the student council will be busy as soon as the semester starts again.

As i continues to walk, a few student would greet me and some smiles at my way but nevertheless, no one really caught my eyes other than her.

When i reached a classroom, i peaked at the door first, she was still on her seat. Writing stuff down with a focused look. I decided to gently open the door, sneaking in and sat at the very first seat i reached.

I admired her from afar back then, teasing her just to get her attention, giving hints and so on but somehow, she thought i would treat her like how i did to others. I only dated those because i wanted her to get jealous, i wanted her to come up to me and confront me then i would tell everything was a fiasco without her.

But things didn't go as plan, still, things got better. Being with her for the last two months was great. She did try to avoid telling others that we were together first, which turned into an argument but hey, I can't force someone who's unwilling to tell the truth. In the end, everyone in the school knew due to certain events.

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