Unknown location
Yara slowly opened her eyes and groaned. She had a headache and her back was still hurting where the widow bite had hit her. She sat up and took a look around.
She was in a clean, little cell. It had a big, circular light in one wall and a set of locked cupboards next to another one. The brunette found herself sitting on some sort of red bed or sofa. She got up and heard a person in the cell next to hers. Then she heard a second person.
It took her a moment to realize that it was Alexei's voice that was talking. Yara didn't bother to try and understand what she was saying. She wasn't sure who was in the cell next to hers, but she was mainly wondering where the missing two members of their little group were. She had a pretty good idea of where they were - the Red Room.
Not a minute later, the transparent door to her cell slid aside. Yara stepped out of the little room and found Natasha and Alexei standing not far away from her. She walked in their direction while they were having a conversation.
As she was approaching Natasha who was closer to her, she heard the woman say, "I designed these cells myself." She proceeded to lift her hand to the top of her face and pull some sort of mask down, revealing Melina's face.
"What?", Alexei asked utterly confused as Melina took a wig off next.
"Not bad, Ethan Hunt", Yara commented, trying to make a pop culture reference, which no one but her seemed to get. "Now, let's get to work, shall we?", she tried to save herself from more embarrassment.
Alexei and Melina looked at her for one more moment, before the man walked towards the older woman, complaining that he had been talking to her all the time when he had meant to talk to someone else.
Melina shortly confirmed his complaint and told them that she was on comms with Yelena. While she was talking to the blonde, Alexei tried to listen as well, holding his hand up to his ear. Yara didn't bother to copy him, knowing that she didn't have an earpiece.
Alexei started to talk to Yelena and Natasha once Melina was done talking, but he was stopped by the older widow who told him, that he didn't have an earpiece. They started a quick banter that was interrupted by Yara who wanted to redirect their focus on the situation at hand.
"So, what's the plan?"
Melina explained that she was going to land the whole place which turned out to be a huge aircraft. It was flying above the clouds which was the reason why the Red Room had never been found. Nobody had thought to look for it there.
While Alexei and Melina started going off-topic again, a door opened and Taskmaster walked in. Yelena had mentioned that name to Yara at some point earlier when they had talked about the armored person who had attacked Natasha in Norway and all three of them in Budapest.
"Ehm, guys", Yara tried to get Alexei's and Melina's attention.
The widow noticed the newcomer too, followed by the Red Guardian, Alexei's alias. He said something that Yara ignored before he strode towards Taskmaster.
"Find Yelena and help her", Melina instructed Yara, before she left silently.
Yara, too, left the room quickly and tried to figure out where Yelena could be. She wandered around from room to room and floor to floor, trying to find the blonde. She avoided any guards she could hear or see but didn't really know where to go.
The noise of people fighting caught her attention and she decided to check it out. Yara followed the noise and ended up in a spacious room with a desk in its middle where about fifteen women in black suits were fighting. As she took a closer look, she noticed two things: One, all of them were fighting one single person, and two, she knew that single fighter. It was Natasha.
No Tears | NR
FanfictionYara Krieger has led a long life, most of which has been anything but easy. All, she wanted, was to stay off the radar, not that anyone really knew about her anyways, and to have a quiet life which she had successfully achieved in the last few years...