Chapter 28

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Today was the day our little friend group had gift exchanges. Harry and Cedric were meeting me at my place before everyone else got here.

"Zahira the door!" Mom yelled and i raised an eyebrow.

"These dumb asses know we got a floo now," i groaned before heading downstairs.

I approached the door and opened it to see Harry.

Of course it was his muggle accustomed self the one ringing the bell.

"Zahira," he smiled before bringing me into a hug.

"Hey Harry. I'm so happy you were able to escape," I frowned hugging him tighter.

"Pft so am i," he groaned letting go of me. He entered completely and I closed the door behind him. "Where's your parents?"

"Right here darling I-" my mom started coming into view but froze at the sight of him. "I'm- im sorry I don't mean to be rude but you truly look just like your father."

Her eyes glossed over and I saw Harry smile at her softly. Mother took a few steps almost hesitant to get closer and her eyes wandered his face, studying every detail.

"Ah. Lily's eyes," she smiled as a tear slid down her face. She rolled her eyes laughing and wiped them quickly saying, "Sorry. She was my best friend."

Harry grabbed her arm and offered her a hug. She immediately accepted it and I smiled at the sight.

"Is that my godson I hear?" Father asked making his presence now known.

Harry parted from mother and looked at father almost stunned.

"Sirius," Harry spat out and father smiled at him opening his arms.

Harry quickly ran into them and they hugged each other tightly rocking back and forth. Mother came next to me and I wrapped my arms around her comfortingly. Sirius and Harry carried on in conversation and we migrated to the living room. Mother and I watched the two boys catch up and I can hear my mother sniffle again.

"You ok mom?" I asked.

"I wish I could've taken him with me," my mom said gaining the attention of both of the guys.

"With all due respect Mrs.Black, why didn't you?" Harry asked. "You are my godmother correct?"

"Yes Harry I am. But Dumbledore said it would've been safer for you to go live with your aunt and uncle. I tried to fight it but ... he wouldn't listen. And he also insisted on changing Zahira's name to erase the connection between her and Sirius."

"I thought you said that was your decision," I pointed out.

"No. I wanted to change your name yes, just for protection but Dumbledore had more reasonings and say in what I did with my life afterwards. But i was willing to risk it all if I were able to have you under my care Harry," mom sighed and Harry frowned.

"I appreciate that. I would have loved to be here a thousand times over than the Dursley's," Harry replied.


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