Chapter 26

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I looked at the front of my home and immediately felt my eyes water. There's no way I'm going to walk inside and my father is going to be home.

I began walking to the door and opened the front door. The second I walked in both mom and dad were standing two feet away from me smiling.

I covered my mouth in shock and the door closed behind me. I began breaking down at the sight and they quickly came to me bringing me in a group hug.

"Welcome home baby," mom sniffed.

"I knew you were going to be here but I- I just still find it hard to believe," I cried releasing them and looking at dad.

He looked amazing. His hair was much healthier, he was clean and in regular clothes. He gained back healthy weight and he looked happy.

He wiped his tears from his eyes and laughed slightly. He brought his hands to the sides of my face and wiped my tears as well. He planted a hard kiss on my forehead and hugged me once more.

"I promised you I would be home Zahira," father mumbled.

"I'm so happy," I smiled breaking down into cries all over again.

I looked over at mom who was crying tears of joy as well looking at us. I released father and gave her a huge hug as well.

"I have pictures for you both," I announced releasing her.

They went to sit on the couch and dad wrapped an arm around mom kissing her head quickly. I smiled at the sight and dug into my bag. I grabbed the envelope of pictures and quickly went back over to them. I sat on the ground in front of them and they both shrugged and joined me on the ground.

We sat in a circle and I quickly opened up the envelope full of all the pictures I took so far.

"This one was during the train ride back. Me, my boyfriend Cedric and my best friend Serena," I said showing them a picture from inside of the compartment. "Only one missing was Blaise since he was being an asshole at the time-"

"Language," father said and I smiled at the correction.

"Excuse me. He was being a deuche at the time," I laughed. I took out another picture and said, "This is when Hufflepuff and Slytherin were playing against each other and Cedric and Serena were going against each other. It was so funny seeing them trash talk each other."

"This is me and my friend Hermione at the Gryffindor versus Slytherin match. She was supporting Harry and I was supporting Serena so we were not on the same side-"

"You were on the Slytherin's side?" Dad asked in disbelief.

"Serena over everyone," I giggled and he shook his head.

"Who even are you?" He joked.

"This picture was taken by Serena. These are the Weasley twins; Fred and George. We were pranking Professor Moody this day," I explained and father's face lit up.

"Hold on! You're a prankster?" He asked.

"Will I get in trouble if I say yes?" I asked.

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