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Authors Note:

This book will not be 100% accurate to the real events from the series. It's a mix of the movies and books anddddd my imagination. Some things will change. The speech is more American since that's what I'm comfortable with. I wrote this mainly because my best friend and I are obsessed with Harry Potter and wanted to have fun with this book.

So if you're looking for an accurate detailed book this is not for you. But it is a wild adventure and I hope you enjoy either way 💚

A/N: This chapter will be a summary of what happens in the first 3 years. The official story will begin in their 4th year. There will be flashbacks of important events to allow more details as the story progresses.

Also not everything will be exact as the book/movie. I will change details around.

1st Year

Zahira didn't grow up as a typical witch. She grew up as a regular muggle being her mother was one herself. She was taught her father had died a bit before her birth and had no records of him.

A bit after her 11th birthday, a letter from Hogwarts came in the mail changing their lives forever. Zahira's mother, Amanda, prayed her daughter wouldn't be one like her father. She knew about her father but just hoped her daughter didn't have the same abilities.

Amanda decided not to tell Zahira about her father's identity. She even gave her, her last name so no one could track her or make the connection.

But that wasn't the case forever.

Serena and Zahira have been best friends since they met at Diagon Alley. They were the only ones in Olivander's discovering which wand belongs to them, chatting away on how excited they were for the journey they were about to go on.

"I wonder what house I'm going to be in," Zahira said excitedly as they walked out of the shop together.

"What house were your parents in?" Serena asked.

"Well Im not sure if my dad was even a wizard. My mom never tells me anything about him. He died before I was born. But my mother is a muggle," she replied quickly getting off the topic of her father.

"Oh I'm sorry. My mom passed when I was a kid too. But I'm sure you'll be in a good house. They're all cool honestly," Serena comforted.

"It's ok. Thank you. How about your parents? Do you know what houses they were in?"

"Well... my dad is one of the professors at Hogwarts. Severus Snape. And both of my parents were slytherins. And it's an intense house but I'm not the stereotypical evil mean slytherin," Serena sighed.

They traveled to Hogwarts together and sure enough, Serena was sorted into slytherin and Zahira into Gryffindor.

For Serena it was hard at first. Not many liked her father due to his seriousness and coldness. But to her, he was the most caring father ever. He definitely did treat her equally and she was to acknowledge him as 'Professor' during school hours.

But because so many disliked him, it was hard to make friends. But luckily she made quite a few.

Zahira, Cedric and Blaise became her family at Hogwarts. Cedric took them under their wing and practically showed them around. Serena saw him as an older brother, while Zahira on the other hand fell for him.

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