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"Why won't you just call him? He sounded so desperate, he really wants to talk to you, Sapnap" Dream frowns, picking at his fingernails. Sapnap shrugs, glancing at his phone on the coffee table.
"I told you already, Dream. I was in a good spot, didn't think of him at all for months. He came back and ruined it. It's like the universe is telling me to just keep moving on. I can be happy without him, these past few months are the proof" Sapnap explains.

Dream shakes his head eagerly.
"No, it's the universe telling you to go for it, get the love of your life back" Dream rebuts. Sapnap sighs.
"Things have changed, we can't just go back to the way things were before. It's been two years, can we even still be in love?" he defends. Dream shrugs this time, "Well, that's for you to discover. Either way, I feel he still deserves an explanation on what happened in college. You broke his heart."
"I was hurting too. I didn't mean to" Sapnap shifts his gaze away from Dream.
"I know, Sap, I'm not trying to say your feelings are insignificant. He just doesn't know what happened or why. He probably blames himself. Think it over, please?" Dream explains.

"Dream is right, Sapnap" George chimes in from the staircase. Dream and Sapnap turn to look at him as he walks down. His hair is ruffled and his eyes droop with sleep. Sapnap would joke about his appearance, but he doesn't feel like it now.
"All he's saying, and I agree, is don't let your fears and doubts get in the way. You told us you spent months and months longing for this, for him. What changed?" George adds, stopping his movements to stand in the living room. He rubs his eyes to try and get rid of the sleepiness in them. Sapnap exhales sharply and drops his head into his hands.

"Seeing him changed everything. Him coming up to me and trying to speak, even after these two years, filled me with so much confusion. I was so stuck on never seeing him again or talking to him, and then there he is, looking like an absolute dream. I was starting to move on, I was accepting the fact I'd never have him back, and then he shows up. It's fate, it's our destiny, but I can't figure out what that is" Sapnap answers. George furrows his eyebrows and holds his chin as he thinks. He comes up with what to say and moves closer, slowly sliding a hand across Sapnap's shoulder comfortingly.

"Well, the thing about destiny is: it always gets revealed. The choice is yours. You can keep putting the past behind you, or you both could get your answers. Either way, your fate is going to happen, and it'll either be good or bad" George notes. Sapnap frowns slightly and scratches his stubble. He looks pensive, which makes Dream speak up.

"Stop thinking in metaphors" he demands. Dream knows Sapnap way too damn well. He glares at Dream for a split second.
"Seriously, it's no use and it's just going to upset you. You'll know the answer when it happens, it'll just hit you. I promise you, you'll know" Dream assures. Sapnap sighs deeply.
"Save yourself from more pain, Sap" George adds, a soft smile on his face. Sapnap nods, shrugging George's hand off of his shoulder.

"Okay, sorry for ruining your birthday. Goodmorning, happy birthday, George" Sapnap grins. George chuckles, shaking his head softly.
"You're really going to change the subject like that?" George asks lightheartedly. Dream stands up from the couch and presses a kiss to his forehead, "Of course he is. It's Sapnap after all. We made you some breakfast and were going to give you some in bed, but you didn't want to wake up."
"Too much alcohol, maybe" Sapnap snickers.

"Can you go ahead and blow out your candles so we can eat cake?" Sapnap follows them into the kitchen. George raises an eyebrow, "Which one?" Sapnap narrows his eyes at George, "The new one. I do not regret taking a slice out of the old one. It was for Halloween" George scoffs, "You took a slice on the 28th!" Dream laughs and pats Sapnap on the shoulder, "Maybe someone else also had too much to drink." Sapnap rolls his eyes and pushes Dream's hand away gently, "Cake time!"

Sapnap pulls the smaller cake out of the fridge. He sets it on the counter, puts the candles in, then lights them. They sing him happy birthday and cheer as he blows out the candles shaped as a "2" and a "4".

Then, George opened his gifts. Dream gave him a new green screen and monitor, threatened to buy him a new PC, and gave him a very sweet kiss. Sapnap gave him a few new shirts and hoodies and $250, which he told George was to represent the Dream Team meeting. George was very confused. Thus, Sapnap told him the wonderful story of his and Dream's bet.

Sapnap and George laughed their asses off, while Dream sat blushing with his head buried into his hands.

Written: 12/8-9/21 Words: 873
uhm sorry if this sucks it's filler


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